Reboots and ramblings

Sometimes, the most daunting steps in life are the most rewarding. Let’s touch on that before we head off into the ‘meat’ of this weeks blog…


Last month I finally decided to step away from the ‘Jurgen Heimlich’ persona, as far as pro wrestling is concerned.
Its a decision I’d been contemplating for well over a year, and I think I’d naturally moved on from it in all but name.  A number of people I work for had previously voiced their opinion on the idea, and they wanted me to continue on with the gimmick. I did for a while, but I didn’t enjoy it for a long time. Getting invited back over to Japan in August last year was a huge release for me, because I don’t do the Jurgen deal over there, I just perform how I feel I would organically. Asia is where the ‘Juken’ name originated from back in 2013, and its stuck, whenever I’ve been there.

Onto 2016, first show of the year, came a bit later into January than I would have liked, but out of the blocks this past Sunday for HOPE in Derby. Originally scheduled to just be a rumble competitor, I was drafted in at the last second to team with White Tiger replacing ‘The Hooligans’ to take on Joseph Conners and Bam Bam Barton. The match was OK, but could’ve been a lot better I think we all could agree on that. A number of factors certainly contributed to knocking us all off our stride early in the match. I think we managed to salvage it in the latter portion of the match, which ended in a DQ victory for Tiger and myself after Conners went a bit OTT on Tiger. Plenty of pointers noted and received in this match, so not all negative
I personally felt I had a much better showing in the rumble match later on in the show, determined to give the audience a better performance, and they responded tremendously.
I had the benefit of being able to watch the rumble unfold backstage; I noticed that the majority of people were entering the rumble with strikes and then straight to hiding in corners or pairing off. I did the complete opposite, worked around the ring and gave the crowd some action.
The last couple of shows for HOPE have been enjoyable. After a year or so away from there, its been good to be back in the dressing room, and I certainly would like to get myself back onto the Mansfield events. I guess we’ll see how the year pans out.

Remainder of the week will see me working hard behind the scenes. I took time in January to assess my gym work and diet, including the very wise decision to join a new gym, and I’ve taken measures to improve myself physically, and mentally.
Aside from that, I’m continuing to work on the relaunch of my website, which has not been fun. Rebuilding, new domain, working through merch designs. Those will be available imminently, stay tuned for that as I’ve managed to team up with some great people for that.


31/01/15 – House of Pain, Calverton, Nottingham vs Danny Thomas


Song of the week!

My love of music is no secret. I’ve a vast taste ranging across many genres, so I thought it might be cool to share a track each week. give it a try!
This week, here’s some Japanese hip-hop, featuring rapper Dabo, who I think is ace. Always on my gym playlist.


Photo credit (C) Brett Hadley/HOPE Wrestling, match graphic c/o Luke Burton