A mild redemption

It’s been a steady couple of weeks, but as such there wasn’t a great deal I could talk about last week. I had a few ideas for stand alone ‘articles’ to fill the void somewhat, but I thought better of it for now. Another time perhaps…


So, what have I been up to since I last blogged? Well as always I’m busy behind the scenes, as they say. As mentioned in previous blogs, I’m working hard in the gym on my physique, and have started adding a few more ‘fun’ workouts. My idea of fun may differ from others, however I was definitely ready to step up my game, as I’d begun to grow bored and plateau in certain areas.

Alongside that, the study of learning to improve my speaking, and learn to read and write Japanese. It’s starting to become rewarding now, as I was able to stumble my way through a Japanese wrestling magazine article. It’s progress, and I feel as though it’s paying off now I can see that progress. Obviously there’s many reasons as to why I’m learning to expand my Japanese language,  and obviously that’s for when I go back over there later in the year. I make no none about where I want to be in regards to Japan,  and I feel as though time is beginning to slip away, so now is the time to capitalise on the fortunate opportunities I’m given.

Now we’re somewhat up to speed, let’s cover this past weekend.

Pro wrestling 4U…

Long time readers may remember the horror story I had at the last PW4U show, so there was a huge determination to erase that match. Not only that, but I was booked in my first ever streetfight. No pressure. Now then, we were massively helped by the show being a Sunday afternoon one. Myself and my opponent ‘Pyro’ blew off our feud in a fun street fight,  in which we went out of the ring once, and that was only when I went to collect the toys…

When I say toys, I mean chairs, baking trays, a mop, a keyboard, a garden trellis and a random bag of lego.  The part of the match were I ended up landing are first onto a pile of the stuff. Fun. The lego brick shaped bruise on my arse, and boot shaped bruise on my forehead were rather sore when I woke up on Monday morning. If that’s the worst that came out of the weekend though, I’ll take that. 11 PW4U G6 Division Championship defences in the bag.

Upcoming Appearances:

22 April – House of Pain, Beeston, Nottingham -vs Robert Sharpe

24 April – House of Pain, Calverton, Nottingham – vs tba


Song of the week


Triple edition

Right then, after a few weeks away (3 to be precise) it’s time to catch up!


I was due to publish a blog last Thursday, but with the wrestling community being shaken by the untimely passing of Kris Travis, it seemed somewhat inappropriate to do so.

It would seem as though many have fond memories of Trav, both sides of the wrestling curtain, and certainly if you met him you didn’t forget him. I personally didn’t know him very well and as such I don’t feel as though it’s my place to talk at length about him, but our interactions as colleges were always easy and memorable, such as the time he forgot his underwear and had to nab a pair from Robbie X… which is not advisable. He certainly leaves behind an inspiring legacy, and without a doubt he will be missed by British wrestling for some time.

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12909706_1297705460243766_4173891153150178926_oThere’s no real ‘decent’ way in which to follow up, so instead of flapping around subjects, I’ll dive into the main portions of the blog.
