The knowledge from kings.


Late blogs seem to be the theme of these last couple of months. Last week was a bit rubbish, so didn’t really make the time to sit and churn out a half hearted blog. Instead you get a 3/4 hearted one this week whilst I wait for my food to bake. Yeah. Bake.

Anyway, not much of note outside of the ropes these past couple of weeks, but a couple of weekends of wrestling nonetheless. Heading back a week or so ago, and I returned to HOPE on Summerslam Sunday, in Derby for a match against… Well i had no idea. All sorts of things go through my mind when I see a bunch of matches announced, but not mine. Anyway, I ended up in a singles match against ‘Jack Cave’, think he’s from Sheffield (sorry if that’s incorrect). Not really being familiar with Jack, I was a little bit apprehensive at first as he was upfront in expressing his limitations, which i respected. I’m finding myself increasingly in the role of being the lead in matches recently, which I’m fine with, and to be honest I’m often quite pleased about, as I get to see what works and doesn’t. This match was fine, did its job for what was expected, and Jack held up his side of the match, save for an extremely audible call. Anyway, job done, all good.

The following weekend saw me finally get to lock up with RJ Singh. This is a match I’ve wanted for quite some time, as RJ was someone I really looked up to when i started trainingtraining, so some 6 years since i started training, i finally got it. Not only that, we got to do it whilst debuting in a new venue for House of Pain, which is a really nice venue. Hopefully it gets audiences deserving of such a place and it becomes one of the promotions top shows.

Anyway, the match. For once someone came to me full of ideas, and wow, what a breath of fresh air. RJ’s experience in this showed me a lot of things without sating anything. One of those matches. Pace, timing, movement and heel promos.  All on display. The match felt fine and got over exactly how everyone wanted. All good. Some pointers from RJ backstage after the match which i feel will really help me to progress further. These are the kinds of matches i crave at the moment. I just want to learn from people, and become the best pro wrestler i can be. Working as a good guy is still very new to me, and i hadn’t really worked many experienced heels, so this was a huge help. More like this please!



Sat 3 September – Real Deal Wrestling, Grosvenor Rooms,  Sutton in Ashfield, Vs ???

Song of the week

Its still here like a bad smell, infecting your eardrums! I still wont apologise for it.

Vintage Japanese pop music this week with ‘HI-FI SET’. I don’t just enjoy modern Japanese music, i really enjoy a lot of older artists such as Hi-Fi Set, and Yukiko Okada. Its pretty cool to enjoy a widevariety of music.

All Filler, No Killer


I completely forgot to blog last week, so apologies for that, if you’re an avid reader (yeah right).

Its been a quiet week just gone, no bookings, which seems to have become a theme over the summer, which is ridiculous. One of my aims is to get on the holiday camp runs, so hopefully, i can achieve that longstanding goal next year. I’ve always considered that you’re not much of a wrestler unless you’re working, or have worked the camps – i mean, wrestlers from all over the world come to the UK specifically to work on the camps.

Anyway, tangents aside, im back in action this weekend, and the next few weekends have at least one date in the bag, which I’m pleased about. I don’t enjoy not wrestling, because I’m not learning. Not only that, but i don’t have too much to talk about in these blogs!

So, since the last blog, all that’s really been going on is the continual push in the gym. Its a thankless task, and sometimes action photos i feel make me look terrible haha, but a recent promo shoot made me notice that there is progress somewhat. Not only that, I’ve been hiding my chest under a mane of hair, which i recently got rid of, and i looked even smaller! Ha! That gave me a wonderful incentive however,  as it pushed me on in the gym.

Had a bit of ring training alongside Rob Sharpe over the week, as we do on a semi-regular basis, mostly when we feel like we need to work on stuff, try things out, or just bounce ideas off each other. I do enjoy doing ring work, trying new little drills and stuff, i always like to have a lot of training drills in mind, ready for when i get asked to lead a training session somewhere.

Anyway, im gonna ramble if i go on much more. Hopefully ill have more exciting items to talk about in next weeks blog.

Upcoming Appearances:

Saturday 20 August- HOPE, Gamston, Nottm

Sunday 21 August – HOPE, Walkabout, Derby

Song of the Week:

Its back, and why not. You might recognise this character from a couple of pairs of my wrestling trunks: Miku Hatsune the Sega computer generated pop idol. I’ve been playing Miku’s ‘Project Diva’ video game (in between sessions of GTA online), and this song is pretty catchy. You probably wont like it. I do. Don’t judge meeeeeeeeeh…





“Dig that ahhhht”


I’ve been quiet on the old blog front for a while. Having had THREE cancellations since i came back from Japan, it really left a sour taste in my mouth, and i wasn’t feeling too positive about wrestling.

However, i dived right back in last Wednesday after being asked to take the House of Pain advanced class. I really needed that lift of positivity.  I even wrote a lesson plan out, which we got through. I seem to have a reputation of being a hard trainer, and people tend to shy away from my lesson, which is bizarre to me.  8 guys attended, and i wont fault a single one of them for effort and trying to do the tasks. There’s a couple of examples on my Instagram if you’re inclined to see what we got up to.

After that a weekend of wrestling. First up was a debut for Real Deal Wrestling in Nottingham, and a first time singles with ‘Textbook’ Dave Breaks. Oh, and adding to first times… First time in a six sided ring. Which was an experience.

Alas, i really enjoyed wrestling Breaks. On the come back trail from a couple of years away from wrestling, this was our second encounter since he came back. He took the win here through devious means, despite the crowd seeing his bum, and a wedgie.

Later on in the evening, there was a rumble match for the RDW championship. Of course having lost earlier on, i had to enter at number one. No pressure there. 19 other entrants, including the mighty ‘Poo Man’… Eventually i was in the last two standing , ironically against Breaks. Eventually i eliminated him from the match to claim the title.

This was very unexpected if im honest, but I’ll be doing my utmost to represent the company as best i can whilst i hold the championship.

The following day saw a return to Calverton, and House of Pain. The venue was absolutely rammed, probably HOPs best draw here, which was great to see. I was in the opening match, tagging with Haydn Tyler against HOP tag champs The Alpha Brothers in a non-title match. Which we, and the audience got them to put the championships on the line. A few wedgies (again), forearms and a suplex later, the sneaky gits used an exposed buckle to steal a victory over Tyler. This was a fun match regardless, and the audience certainly helped push the tempo a bit in this.

So yeah, that was my weekend. Wasn’t too bad. But this weekend, well, ill not be wrestling. Meh!

I’ll be back next week though. I cant get into the habit of not writing. Until then..!