All Filler, No Killer


I completely forgot to blog last week, so apologies for that, if you’re an avid reader (yeah right).

Its been a quiet week just gone, no bookings, which seems to have become a theme over the summer, which is ridiculous. One of my aims is to get on the holiday camp runs, so hopefully, i can achieve that longstanding goal next year. I’ve always considered that you’re not much of a wrestler unless you’re working, or have worked the camps – i mean, wrestlers from all over the world come to the UK specifically to work on the camps.

Anyway, tangents aside, im back in action this weekend, and the next few weekends have at least one date in the bag, which I’m pleased about. I don’t enjoy not wrestling, because I’m not learning. Not only that, but i don’t have too much to talk about in these blogs!

So, since the last blog, all that’s really been going on is the continual push in the gym. Its a thankless task, and sometimes action photos i feel make me look terrible haha, but a recent promo shoot made me notice that there is progress somewhat. Not only that, I’ve been hiding my chest under a mane of hair, which i recently got rid of, and i looked even smaller! Ha! That gave me a wonderful incentive however,  as it pushed me on in the gym.

Had a bit of ring training alongside Rob Sharpe over the week, as we do on a semi-regular basis, mostly when we feel like we need to work on stuff, try things out, or just bounce ideas off each other. I do enjoy doing ring work, trying new little drills and stuff, i always like to have a lot of training drills in mind, ready for when i get asked to lead a training session somewhere.

Anyway, im gonna ramble if i go on much more. Hopefully ill have more exciting items to talk about in next weeks blog.

Upcoming Appearances:

Saturday 20 August- HOPE, Gamston, Nottm

Sunday 21 August – HOPE, Walkabout, Derby

Song of the Week:

Its back, and why not. You might recognise this character from a couple of pairs of my wrestling trunks: Miku Hatsune the Sega computer generated pop idol. I’ve been playing Miku’s ‘Project Diva’ video game (in between sessions of GTA online), and this song is pretty catchy. You probably wont like it. I do. Don’t judge meeeeeeeeeh…





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