T’blog Returneth!


Quick Blog Recap
Its been a good 6 months since I last blogged. I originally stopped doing it to try video blogging, but I stopped that pretty quickly; think I got to maybe 4 or 5 vlogs before I decided not to continue. I couldn’t commit to the same time every week to sit and talk into a phone camera for 15+ minutes every week.
I enjoy interacting with people on the ol’ Facebook page, and I quite enjoy typing things out in a slightly longer form, so reverting back to this makes sense for me.

Alright, this is probably the real reason you’re here, so lets first do a real quick catchup, then onto recent events!
I’ll bullet point a handful of key talking points, and save going into a huge in depth recap.
House of Pain:


  • Became #1 contender to HOP Heavyweight championship in December
  • Loosely started tagging with ‘Bullet’ Haydn Tyler.
  • Pinned HOP Champion Kyle Kingsley in a 6 man scramble match
  • Tagged with HOP champion Kyle Kingsley on a handful of occasions.
  • House of Pain championship match took place, June 17, in Beeston, Nottingham

Pro Wrestling 4U

  • Surpassed 1000 days as PW4U G6 Division Champion (5 September 2014 – present)
  • Lost PW4U Tag Team Championships in March, as temporary partner Robert Sharpe was pinned by new champions ‘The Barmy Army’
  • Issues with Robert Sharpe following loss of Tag Team championships.


  • Trainer at House of Pain wrestling Academy, with a weekly advanced session. Focusing on Japanese style training, implementing ideals, drill and philosophies as learnt from a handful of companies I’ve trained with.
  • Occasional stand-in trainer at HOP
  • Upcoming Asia appearances


With those key points covered, lets cover this past weekend.  Hopefully you paid attention to the HOP catchup section…

So, this last weekend. Just one match to talk about, but its one thats been a while coming. Finally got an opportunity to compete for the House of Pain heavyweight championship, which has been the only one I’d never competed for in my home company.
House of Pain has grown hugely in the 6 months since I last blogged. We’re currently up to 5 shows a month, potentially 6,  or at the very least, 6 venues across Nottinghamshire. This is an outstanding achievement, especially since 3 years ago we were doing one a month. So, I think now is an important time, for HOP, as we head into the busiest time we’ve ever had, in front of more audiences than before.
Onto the match then, and this was, as mentioned above, a match against Kyle Kingsley, someone who I’ve seen progress since he started out. We’ve wrestled a handful of times previously, and they were pretty solid affairs, especially considering our relative experience at the time.
So for this contest – high stakes, main event, rammed venue in Beeston (ironically my first in-ring appearance here), and a determination to leave it all in the ring. Also, really bloody hot!
The crowd were split throughout the match, and they were really loud all the way through, which was nice, especially considering the heat and the previous 5 matches being good. The match itself was fine, but the perfectionist in me feels like the end run of the match should have had a little more pace to it, if I’m being really picky. It didn’t detract from the audiences reactions, so I can’t grumble too much, and I’m sure there’ll be opportunity to have another match and tidy those bits up.
Onto the result – well after a good couple of years, high fiving and being all smiles, something changed. Well, the belt crunching off of Ol’ Kingo’s bonce to be precise. It was time to take full advantage of the opportunity, and pin the champ to take the victory. And the House of Pain championship.

19399808_1756973744316933_2103772101822842809_nNow, talking honestly, this has been one of my ‘career’ goals since I started out; to win a title in my home company. Its taken a while longer than I’d have hoped, but on a positive note, at least now I can perform at a higher level than I could have, had this had happened earlier on in my career, so I’m looking forward to hopefully elevating the belt some more. Thats my goal with every championship I might hold, to make it mean something, before I have to pass it on.

So, that just about brings us up to date with 2017. Looking ahead, I’ll be aiming to publish the blog weekly again, probably Wednesdays/Thurdays, depending on my training schedule.
Upcoming Appearance:

24/06/2017 – House of Pain, Rainworth Miners Welfare, rainworth, Mansfield, Nott’mshire
Juken vs BFD

Juken on the Web (click on relevant link)



Twitter (English language)

Twitter (Japanese language – 日本語)

All photographs used on this blog by Brett Hadley: Photography 

And Finally…

something I used to do on th blog previous was to stick a music video on right at the end. I’ve no idea if anyone ever checked it out, but ah well..
I’ve a very varied music taste, so there might be something that you can at least tolerate at least once…