It’s Only Words…

Righto, so I didn’t publish for the last two weeks due to being an absoloute numbskull. So, a triple edition is the order of the day I guess…

To condense things down as much as possible, and save you from reading a gigantic essay, I;ll cover the three matches I’ve had over the period since the last blog, along with a couple of other notes here and there.  And then I’ll get this back to a weekly blog haha.

Lets head back a couple of weeks, to the 26th November, a stop off in Calverton for House of Pain, to meet up, once again with ‘Visage’. Myself and Visage have met a good 5 or so times in singles matches this year, most of them fairly recently, so this was a bit of a challenge to come up with something different, as the previous three we’d had, we’d built off of the last contest.
What ensued was pretty much us copying each others moves, and a count-out finish. It felt a bit flat, and I think we’d both say it was the weakest contest we’d had to date. We’ve had some good meetings before, so our standard is pretty high now.

Moving on, to last weekend, and to Pro Wrestling 4U, for a ridiculous 22ND defence of the G6 Division Championship, in a triple threat match fetauring Ry Lloyd and Alex Bower. Now, I’d often felt that I’ve never had a match for the belt that I was pleased with. I’m big into building matches and the like, instead of ‘heres this months challenger’, because I want people to care when someone takes this belt eventually. Thats always been my objective with this run. Anyhow, onto the match… I came away from this feeling good.  I usually don’t enjoy triple threat matches that much, because theres always someone not doing anything, so that was something I wanted to avoid here.
We kept the match at a high pace throughout, avoided all of the cliche things you see in these kinds of matches,  and had a ridiculous closing stretch, that I really enjoyed being a part of. I really enjoy the last stretch of a match, listening to the audience react as we draw them into the close calls, and make them believe that everyone could have won this. Onto the next defence, which I think will be in March, some 1200ish days into the championship reign. Crazy.

Finally onto this past weekend, and another trip to Calverton for House Of Pain in the snow, for a singles contest with 1/2 of the tag champions Tommy Taylor. Tommy and I had never met in singles competition, despite both of us being around for ages.
Anyway, I really just wanted this to be action, action, action, because we were both more than capable of having a real stormer. In review, I watched this beck later on in the day, and there were a couple of bits where I felt I looked a bit off the pace, which was disappointing to me, personally. I strive to be really f*cking good, so I do place a lot of pressure to succeed on myself.
I did crack my head a little early on so there was a bit in the match where I was knocked silly and Tommy had to drag my sorry carcass through that. He did a ruddy good job in that respect. I did enjoy this match for the most part, and really, I think theres a lot of untapped potential between us down the line. I’ll stick a couple of clips up on the ol’ instagram during this week anyway.

Next week, I have the weekend off. December is traditionally quiet, but House of Pain are running 9 dates throughout December. NINE. Madness. I’ll be on a couple of them at the end of the month, I’ll post those dates a little later in the month.

So, aside from actual wrestling, I’ve been putting finishing touches to the merch launch, and the upcoming Big Cartel online store. These will all go live early in 2018, with a few different bits of merch here and there.  Additionally, I’ve been working on a little something else over the last week or so, which I’m hoping to have ready to go very shortly. This project is something new from me, so I’m doing what I can to make sure I’m fully happy with it before releasing it.

All systems go for 2018 – All or nothing…

Juken on the Web:




Song of the Week

You love it really don’t you? I don’t know, but I do.