Insert Witty Title Here


We’re into the new year (you already knew that, but I needed an opening), and the new year wrestling is starting to kick in. It’s cool seeing how much wrestling is happening in January this year, and more interestingly, how many cities across the country are getting midweek wrestling in the coming months.  I’ve often wondered why this wasn’t generally a thing here, having seen it thriving in Japan. I genuinely hope that this is something that gains traction and become’s a more common thing.  More work for everyone is a good thing.

Wow, that was a positive opening to the blog, what is this madness?

Well, to be honest I’m hugely motivated at the moment, and I’m really pleased that’s the case.  I got a lot of great feedback on my last blog post, which was the year in review, which, let’s face it, was really dreary. You know what though, it felt good to offload all of that, and I’ve left last year back there.  I reset at that point.   Since that I’ve ‘again’ taken a look at everything I’m doing. Few things tweaked, I’ve been on the hustle and I’m trying to put myself forward for as much as I can.  Christ,  I finally used the free Facebook advertising voucher that I’d been sitting on for most of last year  haha. Serious.  I’ve done more hustle in 11 days of 2018 than I did in 365 of 2017.  My gym regime has been stripped down and reviewed, and I’m really enjoying myself in the gym again. I’m hoping that work shows in the coming months, as I thought that that was something lacking in 2017.

A bit of merchandise news, I’ll be revealing 2 new tee designs at the end of the month, here on the blog first. They’ll be available to order immediately from that point, and then the official release the day after. Any shows after that, I’ll be carrying them along with other assorted merch items.

I’ve taken receipt of some overseas dates already, which I’m very excited about. A couple of new things on the agenda there. No travel issues this time, I guarantee it. You’ll have to decapitate me to halt those.

I’m not sure what else I can bang in here for this week’s update, I’ve not wrestled for a couple of weeks, outside of training. My year starts in a couple of weeks, so up until then I’m pretty much just prepping. I’ll leave it there for this week, but for those who want to see things a little more regularly, you can catch me across the ‘social media’ platforms by clicking the following links:




Song of The Week

Ya damn right it’s back. Song of the week returned.  I shared this song over on my personal Facebook earlier in the week, but i found myself listening to this a lot, so want to share it here.  A cover of one of my favourite Fear Factory songs, which I actually thought couldn’t be betteed.  This cover is better. The guys voice… caramel.



FB_IMG_1514812017191So let’s talk about 2017 shall we?
All in all, I’d consider it to be my worst year since I became active.
I’m pretty sure I’ve had a year that to others, would be considered a rewarding one. To me it’s been a number of backward steps and my quietest overall for sometime.
I was debating covering this year chronologically but I dont wish to relive parts of the year.  Behind the scenes, a lot of life hasn’t been all sunshine and flowers and as a result has needed to take priority over the hustle of wrestling.  I’ve barely hustled if I’m honest, and anytime I’ve begun to start rolling the next knock came and that would take my focus. I don’t need to go into the factors that swayed me away from wrestling as some of its still pretty raw.
Let’s get the bad stuff out of the way shall we?
As far as actual in the ‘job’, 2 no shows to Thailand felt like the biggest steps back of the year,  and has as good as shut that door. A big shame as I had been looking forward to going back there. I don’t know why there’s been this string of bad luck, and I’d like things to have panned out differently. Thailand had been my doorway into Japan so I was kind of hoping that it would again help to lead the same way. Frustrating.
As mentioned before, I’ve barely hustled for work this year, so I’ve been very fortunate to be given opportunities in places. A long overdue return to LCW back in May was a lot of fun, but unfortunately was my only appearance there this year. I don’t know what happened there as I really enjoyed the match I had, which isn’t something I say much.

Another singular return to HOPE in Mansfield, which was a quickly put together match with Jake McCluskey, but felt pretty solid. Again, dunno why I haven’t been back.
Then a return to Southside after a few years away. Only multiman matches, which to be honest I don’t think were my strongest outings.  I always felt as though I was the person catching and taking all the flashy moves, or letting some of the other guys in tag matches make the most of their time. If I’d have been more selfish I may have been able to make more out of those opportunities. This wasn’t a redundant experience however, as I learned a lot about how to handle myself in these situations, and I certainly don’t begrudge anyone else making the most of their chances. That’s what this is all about if we really boil it down.


It’s really easy to let the negatives cloud the good things of this year. A lot of the above sit in the good category, it’s been more my lack of following up that’s held me back. Me.

Positives, well whilst I feel as though I’ve found my rhythm more in the second portion of the year, especially since working more in the heel role, I feel like I’m only really beginning to find my true stride here. I’m extremely determined to make up for this year and make up lost ground doubly.  I know that I have almost no real name value outside of my immediate local area, which I’m fine with at the moment. No one will be expecting much from me, based on the evidence of the last 2 years, which is an even bigger driving force.  I’m aiming to complete 80% of my 10 goals set for next year. Funnily enough, 3 of those are in my 2018 diary already, so I’m off to a decent start at least. If I fail I really can’t blame anyone but myself can I?

I’d been contemplating finishing up this year, but on reflection, this would be a silly idea. I see people say they’re ‘retiring’ or not working here, there etc. That’s fine. That’s their path, not mine. I feel like I’ve unfinished business. As I said in a previous blog, it’s an all or nothing year,so I really have to commit to that.

I’ve gone off on a tangent like I always seem to haha.

Good things about this year, continued the run with the Pro Wrestling 4U G6 championship. Think I’m up to over 1200 days with it now, which is absolutely ridiculous. It’s probably overdue me losing it now as I think the audience don’t think I will now. I’d also like to wrestle some of the other people on the roster who don’t fit in the ‘division’. Who knows what’ll happen in the new year..? And at least now I’ve had that match during the run that I’m happy with; that being the most recent defence in a 3 way with Ry Lloyd and Alex Bower.  I love a good mega indy super spotfest match every now and then.

The only real disappointing thing about PW4U was the feud I had going with Rob Sharpe, early in the year, which ended abruptly. We had a nice angle going and I was hoping to get a really good build out of it. The audience were certainly there for it. I was really looking forward to sinking my teeth into that feud. Never mind, eh.


Next we move onto the House of Pain championship. This had been a real long term goal, which I was pleased to achieve in June. There are a few things I’d have liked to achieved with this run, that haven’t quite happened to date, maybe that’ll change before it moves on. That being said I really enjoyed the series of matches I had with Kyle Kingsley during this period. He’s an overlooked performer on the scene in general I feel, and I hope more people look at him as time moves on. He’s very talented and should do well.

I managed a couple of defences, I think we’re up to 3 so far. Would like to have done more and add to the belt before it moves on, but we’ll see.

What else… well I managed to tick off a few smaller goals. Had never wrestled outside funnily enough so I did that a couple of times in the summer.  Black canvas. Red hot. Much burn haha. Good fun though.

Made progress in the gym somewhat,  but didn’t quite achieve what I wanted.  Was fun trying though.

I think that about covers 2017 in a nutshell. Mostly a bit rubbish but some high points to really bring them into perspective.

I’m not going to list my goals here,  I’m just going to tick them off as I go along, but rest assured,I will do all I can to achieve them. I want to be considerably more active in 2018.

Let’s make this a good year. I hope you’ll stick along for the ride.

Thanks for your support throughout 2017, I’ve appreciated every tweet, comment or interaction.

Photos courtesy: Brett Hadley Photography, Y2Grae Photography