Finally… We’re Off The Blocks



2018 wrestling is underway, and I’m really, REALLY motivated to progress this year. This weekend just passed I competed in my first 2 events of the year, and they kicked off the year on the right foot.

Two shows for House of Pain in 2 days, 2 completely random matches, as part of the ‘Lethal Lottery’ shows in St Anns and Calverton, respectively. These matches were genuinely unknown to me, which made a nice surprise.

The Saturday event saw my participation in an 8 person tag match, which was a lot of fun, and to be honest a good way to kick off the year. I encountered Lucas Archer in this contest, and it was kind of nice to interact with him again. We had a really interesting best of 3 type series a few years ago, in his rookie year, and he’s come on leaps and bounds since then, a I’m sure most will know. He has a good mind for the business, so I hope we get to face off in singles competition this year at some point.

27336362_10156072854769738_5686431488337059264_nOf course, as HOP fans will know, I was pinned in this match, by ladies competitor Hannah James, so being the generous fella I am, I offered her an opportunity at the House of Pain championship in the near future.  Now, I know some people still aren’t on board with intergender wrestling, and thats fine. You don’t have to like everything. For me, I’m on board with this, and I like the possibilities in story and emotion that could potentially be made here.. I’ve done intergender matches before in Japan, and just once here. I think maybe 2013/2014, against now inactive female wrestler Jenna. The landscape has changed since that match and in general I feel people are more accepting of this kind of a match. I guess we’ll find out in the very near future.

Onto Sunday, and Calverton. I like the Calvo shows, as they’re a lot of fun, with a good audience, always a fun way to cap off the months HOP shows. With being a mostly family crowd, its fair to say, that this isn’t a campy type crowd as such. They enjoy that stuff, but in moderation. They really seem to enjoy the finish stretch of matches, which is good, because thats my favourite part too. My opponent for this show was ‘Diamond’ Dave Andrews, someone I like quite a bit (shhh), he’s bags of charisma, and athletic too, which meant we could really build that end stretch up nicely. The end of this match was going well, and we were just hitting our stride, then a bit of miscommunication ended the contest a bit earlier than anticipated, however, a win is indeed a win, and I’ll collect them up nicely.  I enjoyed this contest too, and I wouldn’t mind revisiting this at some point.

So, a decent start to the year, wrestling wise. What about behind the scenes? Well, firstly, a slight delay on the new merch, but I’m hoping to release all of that shortly. I don’t enjoy the idea of pre-orders and having people waiting for orders, I want to be able to ship things out quickly. I know I enjoy not having to wait weeks for something I’ve paid for. So yeah, stay tuned for that.

‘Bad news’ out of the way,  lets get on with it; My motivation with wrestling has come hand in hand with my mindset behind the scenes. A huge amount of change has come with my workout regime, and diet. I’m not going to go into that full, as it’ll bore most of you, but all of the changes I’ve implemented have contributed to the ongoing improvement I’m seeing in my physical appearance already, and I’m only 4 weeks into the year.  If you want to follow that particular ‘journey’ (I hate that terminology), then instagram is your friend. I’m not trying to be an inspirational person, or patronising. I’m just just sharing my good mood. I also post a monthly progress photograph to track my own progress, because I’m certainly intrigued to follow my own change. Just don’t expect an inspirational quote montage.

I think thats a better length blog than the last at least anyway! I actually have stuff to talk about, anyway…  No point in talking about my ‘upcoming appearances’ as its a bit of an unannounced return for now.  Sure I’ll cover it in next weeks blog. Anyway, cheers for reading this weeks blog!

Juken on the Web




Online Store – Soon

Song of The week

Hanging around like a bad smell, song of the week is here. Its a fooking banger!

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