Rumbles. ..

FB_IMG_1517858690006I’m not entirely sure that I thought out writing the blog today. I’m sat riddled with lurgy, feeling rather grim. In all honesty though, its the first real opportunity I’ve had to sit and write about the past week. I’m busy, but busy means good moods and high motivation.

I think I covered all of the motivation stuff in last week’s blog, so I won’t retread old ground here. Being busy does have its downsides however, and one of them is that my Japanese studies have suffered in recent weeks, which is something I promised myself that I’d get back on top of this year. I’ll need to suss some time out to get that into my schedule more regularly somehow.

Anyway, onto the wrestling… this past weekend I headed to Leicester for the first time in quite some time, and to what was known as LCW, but now known as HOPE Wrestling I guess. The show is now in a different area than the previous incarnation, and I was unsure what to expect, if anyone knew/cared who I was etc. Additionally, I’d only be appearing in the rumble, and with 29 other bodies in there, includoing regulars and more known names in there,  it may have been a difficult task.

Luckily a fair few people remembered me, and if they didn’t,  I found a good bunch of feedback tweets and insta messages after, so I was pleased with that.

Like I said, I think rumbles are hard to stand out in sometimes. You find varying experience levels and people who are happy to hide in corners forearming away until they get thrown out. I really wanted to be busy as much as possible, so I did try and be ready for people coming in, or keeping occupied attempting to eliminate people. I did find myself in the corner a couple of times so I’d move over to someone else for a bit. As a result I got to work with a whole bunch of people, which was good and bad in equal measure. There were people I’d love to lock up with again involved, which was much fun.

Anyhow, I think in total I managed a good 30 odd minutes in-ring, which I certainly enjoyed.

I’d like to quickly address something. I’m jumping at as many opportunities to wrestle this year as I possibly can, and there are literally 2 places I don’t particularly wish to work, and I don’t get offered to anyway, so there’s no issue.  I’m not intending to cut anywhere else out at this time. I just want to wrestle anywhere and everywhere. I have don’t knowingly have any issues with anyone in wrestling, nor do I plan to. I also have no intention to be involved in anyone else’s issues. I get it, people don’t get along for various reasons. That’s your call, not mine. I just want to wrestle. That’s all most of us want in this industry.


With that out of the way, I’m looking ahead to the upcoming weekend, and a House of Pain double header.  I’ve 2 shows in one day at the Beeston venue this Saturday.  Unsure  of my matches at this time,  but I’m ready to go.


Saying that, I’m exhausted so I’m going to wrap up this week’s blog without all my social media garb. Just song of the week though…


Song Of The Week

Because nostalgia…

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