Where are all me belts!?

Pic: Danielle Overend-Hogg

Alright, the blog is back as regularly scheduled. A short break since around mid-February, I took a short hiatus as we were building up the House of Pain championship feud, and I didn’t particularly want to give too much away during that time. I’m a bit daft like that. There was such a short time to build the match up, I felt as though that needed the attention.

Anyway, after writing the huge G6 blog last week, I’ve got the taste for writing the blogs again, so we’re back at it again, a week or 2 earlier than planned.

On the blog returning, I had intended to write a huge catch up since the absence, but in reality, thats not something I particularly want to do now. This would begin to rival the G6 blog in length, and that took me a good 2 days to type out…

Here, I’ll cover last weekend’s House of Pain goings on, and a little bit of background into where I’ve ‘been’ since then. It’ll make sense.

Ok, so last weekend, I was present on the Saturday and Sunday shows, in Beeston and Cotgrave respectively.

First up was the Beeston matinee event, a match against Lucas Archer, originally a non-title bout, then turned into a 5th successful defence. The Beeston afternoon audience was a little more challenging to engage than the evening one, but even so, I feel like they were invested by the end. This was a fun little match between Lucas and I, not perfect, but a lot of fun. It was also our first singles bout in around 4 years, since we had a trio of matches in his rookie year. I’ve said it before, but he has a good mind for the business, and always has a lot of interesting takes, and thoughts into what goes into a match. I took a stupid RKO here, diving off of the buckle into it. First gigantic front landing bump of the weekend….

Onto the evening show, this was the House of Pain vs Lincoln Fight Factory event. I wasn’t booked on this show, which, if I’m completely honest, bothered me. I understood, that it was all of the HOP good guys here, but still… Anyway, a little interference in the main event of G-Wizz vs Bram, and ol’ Wizza lost. As did HOP. Whoops.

A few TKO’s and stunners later, I was the one crawling backstage. Yum.


Sunday, onto Cotgrave for HOP again. Here we were, the House of Pain championship match against Garrett Bond. I wasn’t in a good place on arrival to this show. I was tired, and those cold bumps the previous evening really hurt. Add to that no kneepads. Regardless, I was there to perform no matter. All I wanted to achieve here, was to help push G-Wizz off on the best possible footing as the new champion. I wanted an exciting match, with a few memorable moments, and a ridiculous finish.


I think thats what was achieved here. We went into the match with only a couple of pieces in mind, and the finish. We pretty much ad-libbed the majority of the match. As I’ve mentioned before in previous blogs, I enjoy listening to the audience through the match and changing the flow as they begin to become restless at times. I like being an adaptable performer.

Anyhow, the match finished with a giant second rope TKO, and there we go, new House of Pain champion. A second belt lost in a week. Pretty funny how things work out sometimes. I’m sure Bond will be a fine champion, although I do have my rematch penned in at the end of the month.

So a few things before I close up this weeks blog. This past week has been the closest I’ve come to finishing up wrestling. Outside of wrestling, I started a new job this past Monday. I started that day feeling absolutely horrendous. My hip was extremely sore. My knees were almost unbearable at times, and my back has a recurring pain (usually when I don’t cool down properly, I’m attributing that to Saturday nights cold bumping, and rushing off fairly quickly after). The hip was a new one, but having seen photos back of the weekend,I think this is purely down to how I landed on the RKO and TKO. I can manage the back pain for the most part. I’m overdue my osteopath visit, so hopefully that will help. My knees are something different, and at some point in the near future, I’m going to have to get them looked at properly. My knees have been an issue since before I wrestled. As some of you know through following my social channels, I used to skateboard, and thats certainly not a sport thats easy on them. Additionally, any injury thats stopped me from wrestling in the past, has always been down to my knee, either over-extending or I’m sure theres been ligament damage to some degree. Either way, I don’t think that this is something that I can put off much longer, and I’ll hopefully be able to get some answers. I’ll take it from there before I make any rash decisions about what I do in wrestling. I spoke to a few of my friends in wrestling, and they think maybe a reduced schedule may help – they’re probably right, but my problem is that I’m all in, or I’m all out. Anyway, yeah, I’m still here, and still raring to go.

Also from looking back at photo’s of the past weekend, I was really unhappy with my appearance. A lot of my presentation looks tired. As of last Sunday, the ring jacket has now been ‘retired’. 2 years with it has been a long time. A new one is being prepared, so hopefully it wont be long before something fresh arrives. I feel the same with a lot of my trunks as well. The Godzilla ones are ready for an early bath. I want to use the end of the title runs to usher in something a bit fresher. I allowed myself to get tired, this won’t happen again.

February wasn’t my finest month in the gym, and my legs especially are showing it. They looked absolutely vile over the weekend. For the foreseeable, every gym session involves a round of weighted squats.

I just want to finish on a positive. As most will know, the HOP show in Cotgrave was for the charity ‘Wish Upon A Star’. I wasn’t intending to put myself forward for the show for that reason. This isn’t because I’m a complete and utter arsehole, its because it isn’t a charity I support personally. For the last couple of years I’ve donated a percentage of my wrestling wage to autism charities, which I am again doing this year. I took a wage from this show, and 100% of that has been added to the pot. I will always do this for every and all ‘charity’ shows I do, so if I ask for my wage, this is why.

Anyway, I think we’ve rounded off the blog for this week – quite a bit of negative, but all stuff I’m working on. Cheers for reading. This was longer than expected…
Juken on the Web:




Song of the Week

Of course its here. Anyway – BANGER!

PW4U G6: A Look At The Championship Reign That Ended Up Being Something Ridiculous

The end is indeed here.  Can you actually believe it… A championship reign that lasted 1275 days, defended successfully 20 times (I had counted 23, but looking through my records, it would seem that isn’t the case. How annoying) , 2 continents, 18 opponents, both male and female, each representing 7 different nations.  Won by Jurgen Heimlich, lost by Juken. Pretty ridiculous when you look at those statistics. I’ve fact checked every statistic and note from my trusty book of ‘career’ matches, so this is as accurate a record as there will be. three and a half years of my life/career was spent representing this championship, so that’s why I’m writing this piece. I consider this quite the achievement, especially in a world of wrestling where change happens all the time. I certainly won’t be doing this for every title I hold.

Let’s attempt to look back at this as best possible, through my hazy recollection. This will be long, and honest. I’ll give a bit of background where possible, and how I felt at the time, because that certainly affected different ‘eras’ of the run. I’ll add match videos, where available, I also haven’t watched any of these since uploaded, or since they happened so as to not cloud my recollection.


So, actually winning the belt. I actually knew I’d be challenging for the title quite some time ahead. I’d debuted for PW4U ‘accidentally’ back in December 2013, after replacing an injured Joseph Conners. I was then brought back in 2014 to participate in an ‘International Tournament’ where people representing different nations would meet up eventually in a 4 way final, the winner would then challenge for the G6 Championship, which, at the time was held by Max Angelus.


Challenging for the Belt – Max Angelus (c) vs Jurgen Heimlich vs Damien Dunne


Things changed and both winners challenged for the title. It was myself vs Damien Dunne vs Max Angelus.

I’ll always remember what Max said to me before the match, and I’ve run with that in every championship match I’ve ever had since, not just here. “This match sets the tone for the reign. Start it how you mean to continue”. So of course we had a screwy finish, foot on the ropes, false finish kind of thing. Max was very unselfish here, and was eliminated quickly, and left the floor open for Damien and myself to have the majority of the match. Championship in the bag to a chorus of boos. Excellent.

Watch full match

Watch highlights

Defence 1 – Danny Chase


So, a couple of months later, in November 2014, the first defence was up, and it was against a man I know better in-ring than anyone, Danny Chase. This match was OK, and on the back of this, we were booked against each other in a different promotion the following week. If I’m honest, I hated the finish to this match, I was asked to use a submission (a theme will come to light here) to finish, and I hadn’t really ever used one. I also loved doing the Romero Special surfboard at this time. Thinking on my feet, I tried to switch the Romero into some sort of layback dragon sleeper thing, and I think it looked sloppy. It felt flat after the work we’d done. a quicker paced finish might have been better here. Watch Here

Defence 2: – Chris Brookes

10443111_1031295080218140_144759580157549679_oThis particular match up was one I’d been after for a while. I’d admired Chris for a bit, after a brief twitter exchange when he was over in Amreica with CZW, at the same time I was in Thailand training.  I was pleased when this was booked. There were some good set pieces in this match from what I recall, and a decent first meeting. Unfortunately we’ve never worked since. I can’t recall the finish, although I remember this was a submission finish again. I’ think this was probably when I was trying out the bridging Fujiwara armbar. Fun fact – Chris wore Nixon Newell’s ring gear for this match… Watch Highlights

Defence 3 – Zak Northern

10174971_1066874823326832_6382017080788772696_nOnto defence 3, and another man I knew very well in the shape of Zak Northern.  Zak is someone I’ve worked against numerous times previous to this match, so I was confident that this would be a good showing. From what I recall this was OK. We’d planned a rope heavy match, so of course by the time we worked the match the ropes had loosened and were like shoelaces. There was an ‘Ultimate X’ match later on so the tension had gone there. This slowed down the action for me,  and wasn’t quite up to the standard we’d come to expect of ours11204885_1080119952002319_4218248201991579654_nelves, I think. A learning experience for the pair of us to be more versatile Still, we had a fun match. Again, submission finish.

I wish I’d have gone with my gut a little more at this time. I had the leg hook suplex in my arsenal by this time, and I feel as though visually that would have been better here. Never mind. It’ll happen one day.

Watch highlights

Defence 4: – EK Baki

11012516_1134750919872555_1538922271459783428_nSo, here’s where the belt was taking me. Japan. Funny how these things happen, but this was the start of a slew of  international defences, and really, the place where I could start to push those numbers up, if successful. PW4U ran quarterly at this stage, and I wanted to bang in the defences.

First stop, Osaka, Japan. Man, I was fucking exhausted. I landed the night before, and then had a 10 hour minibus ride to Osaka from Tokyo. I also barely slept. I don’t sleep the day before I travel so I can skip jetlag and acclimatise quickly. 36 hours travel to Japan, then that c11887894_1146824438665203_5015468796363412773_nramped bus trip really did me in. I was concerned that I’d be too tired to perform.

Alas, the bell rang, and this match was real clunky. Baki and I didn’t gel here (incidentally we did have a couple of great tags after), I buggered up a bit and I didn’t enjoy the finish to the match, which was a waistlock rollup, holding the trunks.  I’ve never watched this match back, so it probably wasn’t as bad as I think. I just remember being tired as hell, which probably clouded my judgement of the match.



Defence 5 – Choun Shiryu


Wow, this match… To me this match was one of the most important in my career at the time. First of all – Korakuen Hall. Jesus fucking Christ. I’d had always dreamed of performing here. Historic. Iconic. Say what you will. Additionally, the first British championship defended in Korakuen Hall in well over a decade. A big audience in Japan, full of press, TV, magazine, important wrestlers such as Yoshihiro Takayama and Jun Kasai, to name but 2. This was important to me. I’m not ashamed to say that after this match, I stuck a towel over my head and shed a tear. A monumental goal achieved here.11921662_1147724245241889_7261400284473604482_n

My opponent was Choun Shiryu, a Chinese wrestler, who worked for then DDT brand Union. Well versed, quick, effective. This was easily my toughest match in this reign up to this point. I enjoyed this match, couple of bits I’d have liked to have done a little better, or paced differently, but otherwise I enjoyed it.

Here’s where that leg hook German came in to play. I’m glad it did as well, because that’s what got into a magazine, websites etc.

Take note, yeah…

Watch match

Defence 6 – P-Nutz

Last defence In Japan on this trip, and it was a special Ichigaya match. Ichigaya has no ring. I loved this match too. No reliance on ropes, using our environment, and mat wrestling. I’ve never seen this match back, as much as I’d like to.

We beat the shit out of each other, in a hard fought bout, we brawled outside the venue, we worked holds to wear each other down. I thoroughly enjoyed this  match. Lets fight again P-Nutz…


Defence 7 – Sawasdee Kamen & KOTORI


Final match of this tour, and it was another title match. I’d racked up 4 in 2 weeks, doubling the defence tally. A fun triple threat match on the purple Ichigaya mats, finishing with a dirty German on those mats on Sawasdee. I think the finish was a little underwhelming in hindsight, as it left KOTORI standing and watching the pinfall. Something to consider for future matches.

Fun story; I had to get changed super quick and head to the airport straight from the show, all sweaty and stinky. I couldn’t find the showers at Haneda Airport, so had to wait until my connection in Dubai to grab a super quick shower. Fun!

Defence 8 – Zak Northern, Noah & Robert Sharpe

11923184_1152189458128701_2086652972755481314_nA week after touching back down in the UK, it was back to business, back to Silverdale for PW4U. A four way match…


Historically, every previous G6 Championship title change had been in a multi-man match, so this was something to be wary of. 2 big characters to highlight


here, in Sharpe and Noah. This was originally going to be a fans pick the opponent match, but descended into a 4 way, you know how wrestling goes sometimes…

Anyway, I let the others do the hard work, and stole the win from  Robert Sharpe, after he hit his Neutraliser piledriver finish on Noah. Cheers Ugly Bob… we’ll see more of him, later in the story.

Watch highlights


Subchapter – The Sickness

Here’s where the story gets a bit messy for a while as far as PW4U matches were concerned. The failed ‘The Sickness’ project. This was an idea I wasn’t much of a fan of, and to me, I felt like it tainted this portion of the run. I didn’t enjoy this group at all, especially as it wasn’t much of a group. We unveiled Barricade as a member – he never returned. Danxig and I won the tag team titles –  he never returned to defend them. I was fairly pleased if I’m honest, as I never really felt as though we gelled together as a tag team.

14352506_1432719150075729_8450590780636782047_oOn the opposite side of the coin, I was pleased to get the opportunity to do some fun stuff with Robert Sharpe, as Danxig’s replacement. This was something we could have potentially done anyway, without ‘The Sickness’, Rob as the downtrodden understudy, made for a cool sidestory, as when he got some retribution later on in the year, it was set up for some really fun stuff. I’m sad we never got to pay that off fully.

I always wanted to concentrate on making the G6 a valuable championship, and I felt the tag run diluted it for a short while. It made for a few nice moments here and there, I’m not ungrateful for it, I just think we made a few wrong turns with it here and there, and got off course. I did however see this opportunity as the promoter having a lot of faith in my ability at this stage. I should have repaid that by discussing those concerns more so, I feel in hindsight.

Defence 9 – Pyro

11202450_1204513669562946_6697764308196875839_nDefence 8, and a revisit to the world of Pyro. I’d just fought him in tag action at the previous PW4U show.  This was a fun little match, albeit one to further a feud and to build to something of a series between us. This  wasn’t anything spectacular, it never needed to be. A countout finish, which I then challenged him to a no-countout match, as I’d been embarrassed by


the loss… At least I still had the belt…

Notably, this was the last defence by Jurgen Heimlich. The character was put to rest at the end of 2015. That accent was getting hammy by this point wasn’t it?



Defence 10 – Pyro II

12718227_1266336110047368_4833711273202018360_nIf I never had to talk about this match again I wouldn’t. I wrote an extensive blog about an incident that occurred. PW4u have since put the whole show up online (you can watch here if you so wish), and what I thought happened, actually didn’t happen. All that misery… I have no feelings on this match whatsoever and I’ll ignore its existence on finishing writing this. Anyway. DQ loss ‘Highlights’

Defence 11 – Pyro III

1930547_1275802979100681_2305461849334204713_nGet yer jeans ahhhht!! Streetfight madness on a Sunday afternoon.  This was fun. I never get asked to do gimmick matches for some reason, so I made sure this was fun.



Baking trays, chairs,Lego, riding a mop like a witch. This was fun.

Ol’ Pyro forgot it was streetfight so forgot his jeans. Jeans are streetfight clobber, don’t you know this!

You can’t go barmy on a Sunday afternoon family show, so we had a good time making this safe, and fun. That lego bump wasn’t though. Arse first. Even so, a victory saw the end of the Pyro trilogy.


Defence 12 – Sawasdee Kamaen & Emi Sakura

13532846_1361434400537538_7192877366780735395_nBack to Japan for a third visit and a bunch of potential defences here. Small Ichigaya mat show, and a triple threat. Tough competition, in Emi Sakura and Sawasdee Kamen. Fast paced, cool stuff, pinning Kamen for the retention, which left the path clear to head to Korakuen Hall the following week.





Defence 13 – Konoka Pehlwan


Here we are again, Korakuen Hall. This was an intriguing matchup for me. I’d seen the Pehlwan gimmick once before back in 2013, at an early Heat-Up show, and found it interesting. Asking around in the days leading up to the show, I asked about his style “Yoga style”, “Strange”, were some of the descriptions. I was kind of wondering how we’d go about making a cool match – I was determined to put on a better performance than before.

When people ask about whether the language barrier is an issue, usually, I’d say ‘not really’ but here, it really was.  This was the most challenging match I’ve ever had to put together. It was OK, but I think I gave my size advantage away too easily, and let myself be moved around, instead of taking full control, as perhaps I should have done, in the champion role.

I’m not displeased with this match, I know it would be better if it were to ever happen again. I actually got a decent magazine photo here, as well as the BBM website carrying some great photographs. Stuff like this has made it easier to negotiate with future trips overseas, since. I should probably stop getting injured before I’m due to head to those events…


Watch Match(Nico Nico TV version)



Defence 14 – Paksa



Defence 13, my final defence of this trip, and my final Japanese G6 defence. A return to Osaka. I was determined to erase the memory of the previous years Osaka match, and I wanted to go all out here. To my recollection, this was a fast paced, action packed bout, pretty much everything I wanted the G6 ‘Division’ to be all about. Mat wrestling, speedy exchanges, exciting set pieces. Of course, I’ve not seen this match back since, so I couldn’t comment much other than my own recollection. I wanted to let this audience know who I was. My opponent, ‘Paksa’ was, at the time, the ‘Thai Super Rookie’ and the Thai side of Gatoh Move really wanted him to step up here. I think he really did, even though that first kick to the thigh gave me a dead leg haha. I really enjoyed this match, and like a number of these defences, I’d like to revist it some day.


Defence 15 – Drill

14188270_1421124054568572_6897971852552048644_oWhen you look at a picture of Drill, you imagine “Big massive bastard. Probably does a lot of throwing”. Neither were true.

Drill comes to the ring with a Greggs carrier bag filled with Pork pies, and is Northern… Anyway, this was OK, Just OK. Still I got one of my favourite photos I’ve had in wrestling during this show, which I’ll stick below. I also did double duty on this show. In hindsight, I probably overlooked this match, and wish I’d have given it more effort. Submission finish – Armbarrrrrr


Defence 16 – ‘Gentleman’ John McGregor


This match came in at a time where I was getting a little frustrated with the championship run somewhat. Random challengers, no building of others in the division, I felt like there was no emotional investment in anyone challenging for the belt at this time. By this time, I genuinely felt as though nobody believed I was losing this belt anytime soon. That took a bit of fun out of 14915732_1485418731472437_329508132052371357_nit for me. I probably should have raised my concerns at this time, but instead I just let it go. I think I actually had one eye on losing those tag belts, which by now were starting to weigh heavy. I really wanted to build the G6 back up again. The match itself was OK, I felt, but nothing spectacular. I think it was probably my mindset, and not the opponent that affects my enjoyment of this era of the reign. Submission finish, by the way – bridging Fujiwara armbar…

Defence 17 – Ry Lloyd


The tag titles were gone now, and as far as I was concerned, so was ‘The Sickness’.

That weight off my shoulders, the G6 was back on. Ry Lloyd… theres a name that will come back to haunt me in this run haha. Anyway, this was an absolute ton of fun, and a good building block for things in the future.  Sunday afternoon show in a new venue, which to be fair, wasn’t the best for wrestling. Regardless, I enjoyed this, and helped inject the enthusiasm back into this run tenfold. I also threw an orange at the pregnant ring announcer. Bastard! If I recall, the finish was the ‘Justice Crash’ reverse DDT move I use. No submisisons…

Defence 18 – Robert Sharpe


Ahhh Robert Sharpe… A long and storied relationship between the pair of us, in real life.

In PW4U terms, Sharpe was pinned for the tag team titles back in March, and I slapped him round the chops. That was the setup here.  In real life I was 25438774_1965140463500259_467594799695372501_olooking forward to this feud as we’d really enjoyed working together in the tag team storyline, and I think the plan may well have been to have him take the title eventually. I had no issue with this, as to be honest, it was definitely time for someone else to take the reigns.

With that in mind, we started to lay the foundations here. Rob came at me and just lobbed me around for 10 minutes. It seemed at though the audience wanted to see me get the shit beat out of me, which Rob delivered, until I hooked a rope assisted small package. Chorus of boos, job done. I really enjoyed this. A perfect table setting match for a good feud.

Unfortunately,  the plan never got any further than this match, as Sharpe didn’t return to PW4U again. This was hugely frustrating for a number of reasons. Still, we’d reached the 1000 days as champion mark with this victory. Absolutely ridiculous haha.

Defence 19 – Noah

22405884_1884671361547170_6180817253059252098_nOh man look at the hairline on that promo haha!

Defence 19. originally pencilled in for a continuation of the Sharpe feud, but yeah..

Instead, Noah. Firm fan favourite. Also, tag team champion. I was a little miffed with this matchup. I certainly didn’t want to make the tag champ look bad. It was very 22459254_1637898436261062_2945018183611890515_ostrange. Noah also wanted to showcase his wrestling ability a little more than normal, considering here at PW4U, he was a more character driven performer. We went into this just thinking about having a good solid match. This match was fine, I think we did ok. Finish was a waistlock takedown into an…. armbar! Submission finish…

Defence 20 – Ry Lloyd & Alex Bower

24231797_1946522852028687_5788821816890760320_nSometimes, you head into a match and just think “fuck it. I’m gonna have a good time with this”. And sometimes, everyone involved thinks the same. We were all on the same page here. We just wanted to have an action packed match, that kept the audience entertained. It was all here, MOVEZ~1! It just felt like the match needed something different than everything else on the card that day. This was to me the best G6 match we’d had in PW4U, at least during my time there.  What kind of match would you expect from a match of this ‘weight class(?)’ really? Something like this for me.

I wanted to make this match so that everyone was always doing something. All too often in triple threats you’ll see the same thing – guys waiting on the outside, tower of doom in the corner, 2 heels dragging each other off of pins. Its so tiresome, and I really didn’t want any of that here. Enjoyable match, probably my favourite in a PW4U promoted event, and definitely my favourite triple threat match I’ve participated in.

Stole that victory from Ry, to pin Bower.

Defence 21 – Ry Lloyd

19243161_2005843582763280_3570820918301461786_oHere we are then. The finale. Let’s get the gripes out of the way real quick. The set-up for this match, wasn’t much. I’d have loved to have built a program beforehand to really garner some interest, and help tip Ry over a little more. For me, being a championship holder is all about making the belt mean something, and then when you hand it over, you set that person on their way as best you can. That’s why I feel a program would have benefited here. This could have kicked off 28616864_1781038181947086_5519808764626236064_oinstead of the Noah match, still included a triple threat etc. I had no doubt that we could deliver in-ring. None whatsoever.

Onto the match. This was 99% the match I wanted to send the belt off with. A slight stagger on a move at the end, a timing error on my part, other than that I was pleased with what we delivered.

28700675_1781040011946903_1615644560195021886_oThis had to be everything I’ve learned or achieved during this run, and packaged off for Ry to take forward. Mat wrestling with exciting counters, interesting set pieces, a bit of looking the fool, a dirty, DIRTY cutoff. A final stretch that had that disbelief factor. I’m pretty sure again, noone thought I was losing here, which was absolutely fine. We might have the chance to get that reaction I craved.


Superkick, Candian destroyer, Swanton bomb

1  – 2  –  3


It was over…



1275 days. 3 1/2 years. Travelled the world together. That was it…


The reaction for the victory was fantastic. Mission accomplished. I think if we’d have done this in a familiar venue, such as Silverdale, the reaction would have been even bigger. Even so, I understand why it was here. This photograph is exactly how I wanted it to look on handing that belt over. Middle of the ring – defeated…


Concluding Thoughts:

I’ve tried to be as honest as possible during the writing of this piece. I think to be able to give an insight into my mindset, and frustrations during this period is important to be able to give an honest assessment on the whole thing. There were some cool moments and experiences as a result, and I achieved a hell of a lot with the belt, and with the support of Phil of PW4U, and his support staff throughout the last 3-4 years – Leanne, Kim etc. Thats something I’m extremely grateful for, even though at points in this it may have seemed otherwise. What I’ve learned about having frustrations, is that really, its better to raise concerns and offer suggestion, instead of letting it affect performance, which it certainly did for a brief period.  If you’ve a gut feeling that something won’t work – say so. I wish I had put up more resistance/suggestion to the ‘Sickness’ idea, for example.

Going forward, I don’t know where I may fit into the promotion at the moment, I’m going to have to figure that out over the next little while.

For the G6 Division – now I’m not holding it up, in an ideal world, I’d like to see some sort of actual division built around it. Build up the next couple of contenders, build the familiarity, instead of having random challengers. It makes people care, I wish I’d have pushed for that a little more.

Hindsight is great isn’t it?

I’ve no real idea how to conclude this blog/review, so I’ll leave it here.  I’ll list all of the entrance themes I used during my time at PW4U instead of the usual  ‘Song of The Week’ section.

Thanks for reading this long ass blog. Nearly 4000 words haha.

Juken Across The Web




Pro Wrestling 4U

Jurgen Heimlich – 2013 – 2015

The Sickness – 2015 -2016

Juken (PW4U Only) – 2017-2018