Back By Popular Demand (Apparently)

Fot: Danielle Overend-Hogg

Ok, I’m back. I’ll get this bit out of the way first. My ‘indefinite hiatus’ was considerably shorter than I’d originally planned. Being honest there was a point where I was adamant with myself that I’d never perform in a pro wrestling ring.

After some time away, I’d rehabbed my knee to a point where it  felt stronger than it had in a long time. I’d been plugging away in the gym from late September, starting off really light and progressing to a point where I’m stronger than I ever have been. That was all well and good but I got to the point where I felt like I was working without a goal. The regaining strength and stability I felt was a secondary concern after a certain point. I’m no footballer, cricketer or other kind of ‘usual’ sportsman. I’ve only ever really felt like I was decent at wrestling, having achieved everything I’d ever set for myself as a target. What was left for me to do? Thinking about it for a decent period of time, I found myself skipping off to a lesson instead of the gym one evening. I realised what I’d never achieved – enjoyment.

I took the plunge really earlier in my ‘career’ by attempting the full time thing, but I half arsed a lot of it in hind-sight. Thats old news though, I don’t really want to retread that old ground. I approached training with the intent of having fun.
Anyway, I returned to the ring in late December, a surprise appearance at Beeston – where I’d signed off before. Bit of a weird match in terms of how it played out, but I enjoyed it, and it gave me a lot to work on going forward. Biggest thing was ring conditioning – I felt my legs going in the match, which was something I had never experienced before. Cardio and ring-style drills, then.

So, 2019 kicks off, and I’ve had a handful of matches since I stepped back in. I returned to Cotgrave for the first time in almost a year, since I lost the HOP championship. I could do a comprehensive and exhaustive rundown of matches since I returned, but I won’t. I want to start looking forward, and learn. That time away, no matter how short I feel like I’ve slipped out of the bubble. I completely shut myself off from everything whilst away as I’d felt so mentally drained and miserable a lot of early 2018. I needed to refresh my mind.
I feel fantastic now, I make no grand predictions, and the only goal is to enjoy myself. Anything else will be a bonus. I’m not currently actively contacting people for work, but I wouldn’t turn down any offers, if they fit into my schedule. I need to make sure I never feel the pressure I used to experience, so you probably won’t catch me working in specific promotions that I didn’t enjoy working for unless theres a decent incentive to change my mind. I won’t travel or be around people with a negative aura, who piss and moan about what others do, and see everyone as competition. If I only really do House of Pain for however long I say active for, thats cool. If I get to work in some cool places, thats cool too.
I’m gonna add new stuff into my arsenal, and have fun with it. I’m looking forward to showing what I’m actually capable of, instead of wrestling how I ‘think’ I should. That will make sense at some point, I’m sure…

Anyway, lets wrap this up. Blogs are back, and they’ll be monthly from now on. I’ll vary the content, depending on whats going on, or not, as the case could potentially be….

Upcoming Appearances (correct as of 03/03)

09/03 – House of Pain, Beeston (evening)


Song of the Month:

Ok, it’s back too. Soz Laura.

You can all enjoy my bad taste in gym music. Just be glad you got this and not BLACKPINK…