The Constant Reinvention

Pic – Karl Brown

First of all, yeah, I know, this blog is super late, many apologies, to anyone who was looking forward to any blogs in the last couple of months. The last few months have been all about making some big, important and in some cases very necessary changes in my personal life, so I’ve had to focus on that, as well as an extra busy time in my day job. Basically, finding much time to give to putting the effort I’d like to into these blogs hasn’t been there. I think I’ve managed to get things back on track now, so lets crack on shall we..?

In amongst the absoloute mess that has been my personal life these last few months, a few things have remained a constant at least. I’m still extremely driven to become a better perform, whilst continuing to become more creative in pro wrestling. I’m still working hard in the gym most mornings in the pursuit of continuing to improve my visual presentation. I do a lot more tape review of my own work now than I used to, so that I can find areas for improvement – that also includes a lot of my ‘pre-Mark Lasek’ work. I guess I’m looking to move further away from anything before this ‘persona’ more than ever before. The character I portray now is much closer to who I am away from the ring, which immediately sets the tone I’m after, and is easier to draw from whilst performing.

Lets talk about a few of the matches I’ve had since my last blog real quick, before I finish up this blog for last month (May).
Highlights for me include a match with Brad Mathews at St Anns for HOP back in April. Still real new into the ‘business’,  the guy already has a wise mind for wrestling, has a good psychology for the most part, but most importantly has the willingness to learn, to take on and implement feedback from his peers, and has the drive to do well. He had a lot of input into this match, and I think he did a real good job with it, even if I think he expected me to take control of the match before I suggested he take the reigns. Promoters looking for hungry young talent could do much, much worse than take a look at Brad Mathews.

Matches such as this are a huge drive for me in this stage of my wrestling life. I want to help nurture and progress young talent, to pass on some bits and pieces that I’ve learned and found to be useful.

On the flipside, again at St Ann’s a couple of weekends ago for HOP, I was involved in a real fun 6 man tag, involving a mix of experience level. A couple of sections of the match could possibly have been chopped out, but I think the finish stretch worked out real nice, and I suggested a finish which could have gone either way, but turned out to work wonderfully, thanks to everyone involved in that flow. I still get a kick out of what could be a potential clusterfuck of a match turning out nice.

Its probably noticable that I’ve only really been doing House Of Pain events over the summer, and thats for a number of reasons. First was mentioned above, others include the schedule I have at work at the moment. Cricket season is hitting its peak now, so the fact I can perform at all is a blessing, to me at least, what with my real life job being heavily involved in the sport. Additionally, I really enjoy the HOP shows, they’re some buzz, especially when the show is hot and everyone is motivated and on form. The school is doing fantastic at the moment, and I think they’re more high level than a lot of people realise, sometimes.

Song Of The Month

I missed this off originally last time, and got told off for it. Anyway, this is wha I’ve been listening to a fair bit. The songs from the Alita: Battle Angel movie, which I’m a huge fan of, in addition, I’ve been listening to a lot of D&B in the gym, and this has popped up on a few of the spotify playlists. I like it anyway.


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