
So, November… That happened. It was quiet. Horribly quiet.

Unfortunately for me, it seems as though 2016 is going to be ending rather quietly.

So, obviously the only 2 dates of November came on consecutive days haha.

House of Pain, and  2 singles matches, LJ Heron on the Friday, followed by a match against ‘Nathan Nyx’ on the Saturday. 

The Friday event was HOP’s second visit to Hucknall, and the site of my knee injury a couple of months back. Ha! Definitely a few ‘ghosts’ to shoo off here. The match went ok, and I feel as though it was our strongest bout to date – LJ is coming up as one of my more frequent opponents, and as I’ve mentioned before, he as a heel and myself as a ‘babyface’ feels like a much better fit for us.

The next day was my first appearance at HOP’s home venue in St Ann’s for a good 6+ months. I really enjoyed feeding off of the audiences energy during the match. Facing off against Nathan Nyx for the first time, this was a simple but fun match. Nyx is still pretty new, but exceeded my expectations in this match, as I was unsure what to expect, having not seen him perform in a while. The match can be found on the Facebook page should you be inclined to watch it.
So yeah,that was November. Exciting. 

The blog gets difficult to sit and write when there’s not much to talk about, so apologies for the irregularity over the last couple of months. I’ve published a schedule of release for the remainder of the year, again, up on the fb page, so you can keep up to date. Work has already started on my year in review blog, however, I may break that down into two parts as it’s already rather lengthy… Until then… 
Song of the week:

Week, month, however long it’s been. Alas, this has been on constant rotation over the last few weeks at Juggan HQ. Regular followers of the blog will recall my enthusiasm for Japanese group ‘Wagakki Band’ – well, the vocalist, Yuko Suzuhanah has released a solo mini album, and it’s brilliant.  So here’s a track from it:


Ain’t wrestling ace!

received_186173481835764A double edition of the blog this week, as has seemingly become ‘the norm’.  I’m considering making the blog bi-weekly in the new year, as i sometimes feel as though I’m only really updating through obligation to myself. We’ll see.

Anyhow, something of a busyish weekend just gone, but before i get to that, there’s a couple of weeks ago to cover.

Real Deal Wrestling in Sutton in Ashfield, and a third defence of the RDW championship against’Textbook’ Dave Breaks. The match was supposed to be a rounds match, but it kind of didn’t really pan out that way. Plenty of shenanigans, Danny Thomas run ins and the almost appearance of a Breaks testicle. The match was ok, but i do feel like there’s plenty more Dave and i could do should the circumstance arise. We’ll see i guess.

Fast forward 5 days to this past Thursday and a last minute trip to Skegness for All-Star wrestling. I love working on AllStar shows. Things have changed a bit since my last visit. Gone are the flags, nationalism and super OTT panto style wrestling. Now, still a bit of the panto style, but less German accent. Which was nice.Teaming with Kyle Kingsley to take on Stixx & Malen, this was  a good fun match, even if the top rope pinged off on the finish stretch.

Next it was off to Cotgrave for House of Pain, a second visit to this venue, a bigger audience, and a tag team match. Once again i partnered up with Garrett Bond, against RJ Singh and Visage. Now, as i mentioned the last time i worked a Cotgrave show, im really interested in helping to build this venue for HOP, its a venue with a lot of scope to do some good stuff  if we continue to build the area well.

Onto the match, i really enjoy wrestling RJ Singh. And now I really enjoy wrestling Visage. I felt RJ and myself gelled more-so this time, having worked previously, there was definitely a better understanding this time, not that there was anything bad about our first encounter.

As for Visage, man, its sickening how good he is considering how short a time he’s been actively wrestling on shows. Wonderful character work, a confident promo, and already dialling in the little details, that for most, doesn’t come until later into a career. Keep your eye on him.

Similar could be said for Bond, a much more confident outing for him this time, and its great to see his progression. Another one id mark to do good things in wrestling, as i think i mentioned last time we teamed up.

Popped into House of Pains event in St Ann’s the following day thanks to (another) cancellation. Enjoyed the show for the most part. Was nice to sit and watch a whole show.

Aaaaaand the final show of the weekend was the last Pro Wrestling 4U show of the year sadly, and an 18th defence of the PW4U G6 Championship, and a quick outing for both of my tag belts too. Since claiming the tag belts, my partner has gone AWOL, leaving me with them. The situation hasn’t been ideal, and in all honesty, whilst its nice to have a bit of fun with it, its not how i want any title reign to go.  See why i prefer singles stuff..?

Anyway, the match itself, a debut for ‘Gentleman’ John McGregor, after accepting an open challenge. He gave a good account of himself in this match, which we kept fairly simple, as we were on early. Not really too much to add here, but im still looking for that match to solidify this reign. I feel as though i really need that before the championship is stolen from me haha.

Now, oddly, i have a couple of weeks with nothing in the diary. Gonna have to get training in the down time, because im all  raring to go. Wrestling is good.


Song of the week:

No explanation, just this…


Pic: Andy Johnson

Back into it

fb_img_1476272473895I’m pretty brilliant at forgetting to push the publish button, so a couple of days late…

Injury recovery had been top of my agenda yet again, this last couple of weeks, but after a bit of ibuprofen, strapped up with kinesio tape, i finally got my backside back into the ring!

3 weeks of rehab and steady knee exercises, determination/stubbornness and not wanting to miss out on work, because we in wrestling tend to be stupid when it comes to rushing back from injury.

Alas, a trip to Forest Town near Mansfield for a HOPE show, having been offered the booking just after injury. Targets haha. So yeah, a big load of ‘knee-hab’, few ibuprofen and a bit of kinesio tape helped me get to a point where i felt confident enough to be able to get through a match.

Match itself was a 6 way elimination match for the ‘Kings of Flight’ championship. It was originally supposed to be a one fall match, but between us, we felt an elimination would work better. Also worked out OK for myself to be safe and not bite off more than i could chew, by participating in a high intensity 15-20 match whilst still not 100% fully fit.

Oddly enough not too many guys volunteered to go out early, except for Jack Cave, who by the way, in 2 minutes work, gave a good account of himself without hitting a single move. So, i went out fas the first mid match elimination, after tapping out to a fluffed move.

A word of advice to aspiring wrestlers – if you cant do your own stuff perfectly every time, or you have to over explain a move – don’t do it. Because you make your opponent look a bit rubbish.

So yeah, i wasn’t too happy about the way i left the match, not because i was out. Sometimes i get annoyed with myself that i let people do stuff that I don’t agree with, but all in all, no one probably noticed/cared anyway, and i got through the match uninjured, so I’m splitting hairs really.

Couple of days later i was at the House of Pain training school for a morning seminar with Mad Man Manson. There was actually a whole weekend of seminars, but i didn’t have full confidence in my knee getting through a full weekend of physical training, which was a real shame, i really felt in could have learned a lot. Alas, i learned a bunch from Manson, aside from his barrage of Ligero insults.

Manson’s mind is interesting, and i felt like we only really scratched the sutface. Id like to attend other seminars of his, and id hugely recommend them to anyone, regardless of their experience. You will take at least a handful of things away from it.

Additionally, for a lesson that was almost all talking, i was surprised to see that i was the only person making notes. I have, and still do, always take a notepad along to training, and training seminars, because there’s no way anyone can rememeber a 3 hour lesson, especially when that lesson is 90% talking… A fantastic seminar nonetheless, and plenty of food for thought.

Fast forward a few days and Im readying for a third defence of the RDW Heavyweight Championship, in a match against Bubblegum. Bubblegum is someone who has been near the top of my ‘want to wrestle’ wishlist for a good while so i was really looking forward to this.

Of course, big ol’ spanner in the works, and the show was cancelled due to the ring van breaking down on the way to the venue. Beautiful. So instead, my Friday was spent at the House of Pain school refreshing on a few Japanese ring drills and continuing to work on my in ring cardio, especially after having had a few weeks off with the knee.  So my Friday wasn’t completely wasted.

2016 has been a bit of a pain in the backside for cancellations, and i certainly hope there arent any more for a while. Not earning money is no fun.


Juken on the web:

Facebook add – search ‘Ju ken’

Facebook fan page.

Twitter: (Japanese)

Instagram: Juken_gtmv

Song of the week:

Big ol’ blog this week, but lets finish off with the weekly feature haha. Anyway, this week, definitely one of my favourite tracks of all time. Ever.




Reset, move on.

FB_IMG_1475779040116.jpgLast week was pretty dark wasn’t it? Man, i was in a real bad, bur motivated state of mind last week. Onto this week then!

Not really much in the way of wrestling action to speak of, as its been a week of recuperation again.

Back in the gym, working real hard to make sure that im as strong as i possibly can be, not just aesthetically. One thing I’ve noticed during recovery is that those hours spent doing squats and lunges etc, have given my legs a good strength, so this has definitely played a good role in my recovery. I even manage a light leg workout early in the week, albiet without the aforementioned squats and lunges. I didn’t really want to push it too early.

With that being said, im pretty confident that my knee will hold up, so i wont be having to miss any wrestling dates. I do have a match tomorrow, luckily its a multi man match so i can ensure im not pushing too much on it. I’ve never been so grateful for a multi man match haha.

Needing to get back into the swing of wrestling again, as October is looking to be a busy month, which makes a nice change compared to recently. Im determined to see out the year on as big a high as I can, looking to springboard into next year.

Speaking of next year, I’ve been fortunate enough to have an opportunity to return to Thailand early in the new year, to make up for missing out last week.

Having a few days of not being able to do much gives you a lot of time to reflect and reassess where you are. I’ve been living with the ‘Juken’ gimmick fully for almost a year now and now I’ve had time to look back retrospectively, there’ll be a few tweaks here and there, and im excited about what possibilities lie ahead. Maybe this injury was needed haha. I don’t know, but the road ahead looks like fun!


Song of The Week:

I make no bones about enjoying the music of Limp Bizkit. So yeah. Here’s one.

Close yet far


If you were to ask me to describe the last two weeks in three words, they’d probably be; disappointment, anger and motivating. I’d explain why when we get to the end of the blog but read on, and you’ll know exactly why.

Rewind a couple of weeks and the mood is good, im about to head into a second RDW championship defence in Underwood against Joseph Conners

Two things to note here: having recently taken over the small Underwood venue from HOPE Wrestling, this and the Sutton In Ashfield audience’s are going to take esome building. Underwood had 2 previous cancellations there, so the trust between fans and wrestling in the area needs to be rebuilt.

Secondly, as far as Joseph Conners is concerned, im sure his reputation is well known amongst British wrestling fans, he and i have yet to have had a match that both of us are fully satisfied with. On occasion I’ve not looked forward to the match because of this reason. Bow, this match came so very close to being ‘the one’, at least for me.

A small, and reluctant crowd were, by the end of the bout, fully invested in the story. Despite a couple of hiccups. I would say both Joe and i set high standards for ourselves and have a great deal of pride in our work, so those hiccups were annoying.

In addition, this match was the one where i received my first ever concussion. Oh joy(!) I will say, this wasn’t down to my opponent. I believe it happened when i threw myself back into a couple of bumps slightly too much and clonked my head. Concussion isn’t a fun experience in the slightest, it can be pretty frightening to have forgotten parts of your evening and almost pass out through the overwhelming feeling of tunnl vision. Anyway, apparently i won with and RKO and still took pics with members of the audience after. Madness.

So that meant a few days out of the gym, just to stay on the safe side. Bad timing really as my plan for the week was intense, what with a Thailand tour next week…

Alas, i felt fine by Thursday, and treated myself to a heavy compound lifts, turned leg workout.

Friday saw a local show in Nottingham, kicking off House of Pain’s September weekender in a new venue in Hucknall. This is another venue that’s going to need to rebuild in the area, having had some pretty poor wrestling in the same venue a year or two previous. Main event tag action, a which saw me team with Garrett Bond against LJ Heron and Danny Thomas.

Bond is someone who has the potential to really do something in British wrestling, perhaps further should he so wish. A few areas for him to improve upon, but he’s still less than a year into the job, so i cant see why he wouldn’t be able to achieve his potential.

Anyway, tag match was fine, nothing spectacular, but certainly not bad. I’d probably have forgotten the match a few days later, but as it happens, this turned into one of this matches that I’ll now not ever forget. How so? Well, of course, i picked up a fucking injury.

A routine spot where i go over the top rope backwards, i actually hit the ropes side on, and tumbled out sideways, and smacked just under my knee on the steel work on the ring. Its one of those you feel immediately, and just think ‘oh shit’. I managed to get through the match with no issue, and thought i was out of the woods, with just a bit of a knock.

I headed home, and felt a little stiff, but thought nothing of it. I was due to head off to the airport a couple of hours after getting home, so i finished packing my case, ate, and went and laid on my bed for an hour. As i got up after, my knee had started to balloon, and I had a bad feeling. Being stubborn, i still headed off to the airport to sit there overnight and wait to check in for an early flight. Knee stiffened further on the journey there. And again whilst waiting. I checked in, still worried, but determined to go.

After a while i got concerned and went to get some ice from a medic, who after seeing the size of swelling, strongly advised against travelling long haul. I now had a decision to make. A very difficult decision.

The Thai branch of Gatoh Move has a very special place in my wrestling history, having been the first place overseas to allow me to train with them back in 2013. Now their four year anniversary event was upcoming, and i wanted so badly to be a part of it, in an addition i wanted to work in front of the Michinoku Pro, and other Asian company representatives in attendance, and show them what I could do.

I dwelled on the decision for a good 4 hours before begrudgingly deciding to pull off of the plane. I was very much struggling to bend my knee at this point, so I do believe i made the correct decision. Indeed, even now, im still walking with a heavy limp, and swelling remains.

Having spoken with the staff of Gatoh Move Thailand, the plan is to come back to make up for my absence. I believe i owe them that much.

Its at time like this, im grateful that I’ve managed to form a good relationship with both Thai and Japanese branches, and they know that im not someone who lets them down for no reason.

And just like that, my whole exciting week, that id been working for, for a long time, disappeared. I was, and indeed still am pretty devastated by not being there, made worse by seeing pictures from the events. I put a lot of pride into my Asian tours, so to miss one hit hard.

I moped, came home and slept the whole day. The next day, I felt like i needed to be around people, so i went and watched the House of Pain event in Calverton, and im really glad i did, as anymore moping would have been completely demoralising.

So, the injury itself; as mentioned, im still limping, but im walking and managing to get to the gym, to work upper body of course. Im aiming to be able to manage an assisted free squat by Sunday evening. Just one. And ill go from there. I’ve been advised to recover for 2-3 weeks, so im hoping im strong enough to not miss out on any work. I’ve a date in my diary for next week, which I’m aiming for as it is a multiman match and i can protect my knee more, but I’ll make a call on that in the next few days.

If unable to work, that will be the only one i miss out on, as i feel I’m recovering well enough to aim for at least that 3 week recovery.

Before I get to the end of the blog this week, i just want to send out a few thanks, publicly. First of all to my partner who came and picked me up from the airport, on very little sleep. She looked after me all throughout Saturday.

And finally, i really want to thank anyone who reached out to me, in person, Facebook, text and twitter with well wishes. I hadn’t realised so many people cared, from such a broad spectrum of people. Local fans, through to Thai and even Japanese fans. So overwhelming, so thank you so very much.

Song of the week:

Toyed with not doing this, this week, but sod it.

This is from the new Devin Townsend album ‘Transendence’ that I’ve been listening to a lot recently.

I am the tag team champions


Sometimes I’ll prepare to write the blog and think of where to start. Sometimes its really easy, others not so easy. This weeks, double, blog has been pretty easy, which is nice.

Wrestling is really ace at the moment. Sometimes, I feel a bit ‘meh’ about it for one reason or another, and it can really irritate me at times. But then there are times where its really euphoric and you can be buzzing for days. It can be a moment, a pop, a pat on the back for a job well done. Anything. And the past couple of weekends have held some good moments for me.

Head back a week or so to Real Deal Wrestling. RDW took on the venue on a couple of weeks notice and as such not much in the way of promoting the show was done. Still, a small crowd came to the show, and my match would be my first defence of the RDW championship against a former champion – Simon Lancaster.

The rest of the card itself ranged from good to not so good, but i made a point to watch as much of the show as possible. I kind of feel a responsibility over making sure the audience leave happy by the time I’m done. A few guys headed back and noted the crowd were somewhat reluctant to make noise. I never believe a crowd is reluctant to get involved so my main objective here was to get them up by the end of the match. This is something i really relish when i get to work as a babyface, because i love to guage an audience and get the desired reaction, and its something i feel more at ease with in this role.

I felt the match with Lancaster was enjoyable, we had the audience where we wanted them throughout the match, and i had fun. Which is always good. Hopefully with the company running the venue on a regular basis, we can begin to build a solid foundation there.

Forward a few days and we move up to the Stoke area for Pro Wrestling 4U. Double duty here as i hold the G6 Championship and the tag team championship.

First up was the G6 match against ‘Drill’ which was OK, but nothing that will be remembered. The G6 is a title i actually have a lot of pride in, having had it for over 2 years now,defended it 16 times and taken it around the world, so matches that fall below my expectations tend to get me down somewhat. I feel im yet to have the match i feel the title needs on English soil, so i really want to have a really good match before the reign comes to an end.

No time to dwell on the match, as a tag match was up an hour or so later. My usual tag partner ‘Danxig’ was unable to make the show, so i was given a replacement. Robert Sharpe. I sometimes am apprehensive about Sharpe. He and i used to train a lot and i used to feel a lot of responsibility for him. Not so much these days as he’s moved out of the local area, so we don’t see each other as much these days. In out previous encounters he’s given a mixed account of himself, however on this showing he made a good impression and more than held up how end of the job here, which i was pleased about, and im sure he was. Definitely enjoyed the rare McDonald’s on the way home!

We were against the super popular ‘Barmy Army’, and they had the whole crowd behind them, and Sharpe also almost got ‘babyfaced’ here, such was the heat i had from the audience here. Job done. I managed to leave stoke happy after that second match, and with 3 belts in my bag haha.

Upcoming appearance:

17/09 -RDW, Underwood, Notts – RDW championship ~2nd defence

Juken (c) vs Joseph Conners

Song of the Week:

Straight up, Yukiko Okada is one of my favourites, and her story is one of tragedy and wasted potential. Ive been listening to a lot of her music again recently, along with a lot of other jpop and enka singers of the time.

This is probably my favourite song of hers. A lot of people may not enjoy this, but i love it.

Blog photo courtesy Tony Knox/PW4U

The knowledge from kings.


Late blogs seem to be the theme of these last couple of months. Last week was a bit rubbish, so didn’t really make the time to sit and churn out a half hearted blog. Instead you get a 3/4 hearted one this week whilst I wait for my food to bake. Yeah. Bake.

Anyway, not much of note outside of the ropes these past couple of weeks, but a couple of weekends of wrestling nonetheless. Heading back a week or so ago, and I returned to HOPE on Summerslam Sunday, in Derby for a match against… Well i had no idea. All sorts of things go through my mind when I see a bunch of matches announced, but not mine. Anyway, I ended up in a singles match against ‘Jack Cave’, think he’s from Sheffield (sorry if that’s incorrect). Not really being familiar with Jack, I was a little bit apprehensive at first as he was upfront in expressing his limitations, which i respected. I’m finding myself increasingly in the role of being the lead in matches recently, which I’m fine with, and to be honest I’m often quite pleased about, as I get to see what works and doesn’t. This match was fine, did its job for what was expected, and Jack held up his side of the match, save for an extremely audible call. Anyway, job done, all good.

The following weekend saw me finally get to lock up with RJ Singh. This is a match I’ve wanted for quite some time, as RJ was someone I really looked up to when i started trainingtraining, so some 6 years since i started training, i finally got it. Not only that, we got to do it whilst debuting in a new venue for House of Pain, which is a really nice venue. Hopefully it gets audiences deserving of such a place and it becomes one of the promotions top shows.

Anyway, the match. For once someone came to me full of ideas, and wow, what a breath of fresh air. RJ’s experience in this showed me a lot of things without sating anything. One of those matches. Pace, timing, movement and heel promos.  All on display. The match felt fine and got over exactly how everyone wanted. All good. Some pointers from RJ backstage after the match which i feel will really help me to progress further. These are the kinds of matches i crave at the moment. I just want to learn from people, and become the best pro wrestler i can be. Working as a good guy is still very new to me, and i hadn’t really worked many experienced heels, so this was a huge help. More like this please!



Sat 3 September – Real Deal Wrestling, Grosvenor Rooms,  Sutton in Ashfield, Vs ???

Song of the week

Its still here like a bad smell, infecting your eardrums! I still wont apologise for it.

Vintage Japanese pop music this week with ‘HI-FI SET’. I don’t just enjoy modern Japanese music, i really enjoy a lot of older artists such as Hi-Fi Set, and Yukiko Okada. Its pretty cool to enjoy a widevariety of music.

All Filler, No Killer


I completely forgot to blog last week, so apologies for that, if you’re an avid reader (yeah right).

Its been a quiet week just gone, no bookings, which seems to have become a theme over the summer, which is ridiculous. One of my aims is to get on the holiday camp runs, so hopefully, i can achieve that longstanding goal next year. I’ve always considered that you’re not much of a wrestler unless you’re working, or have worked the camps – i mean, wrestlers from all over the world come to the UK specifically to work on the camps.

Anyway, tangents aside, im back in action this weekend, and the next few weekends have at least one date in the bag, which I’m pleased about. I don’t enjoy not wrestling, because I’m not learning. Not only that, but i don’t have too much to talk about in these blogs!

So, since the last blog, all that’s really been going on is the continual push in the gym. Its a thankless task, and sometimes action photos i feel make me look terrible haha, but a recent promo shoot made me notice that there is progress somewhat. Not only that, I’ve been hiding my chest under a mane of hair, which i recently got rid of, and i looked even smaller! Ha! That gave me a wonderful incentive however,  as it pushed me on in the gym.

Had a bit of ring training alongside Rob Sharpe over the week, as we do on a semi-regular basis, mostly when we feel like we need to work on stuff, try things out, or just bounce ideas off each other. I do enjoy doing ring work, trying new little drills and stuff, i always like to have a lot of training drills in mind, ready for when i get asked to lead a training session somewhere.

Anyway, im gonna ramble if i go on much more. Hopefully ill have more exciting items to talk about in next weeks blog.

Upcoming Appearances:

Saturday 20 August- HOPE, Gamston, Nottm

Sunday 21 August – HOPE, Walkabout, Derby

Song of the Week:

Its back, and why not. You might recognise this character from a couple of pairs of my wrestling trunks: Miku Hatsune the Sega computer generated pop idol. I’ve been playing Miku’s ‘Project Diva’ video game (in between sessions of GTA online), and this song is pretty catchy. You probably wont like it. I do. Don’t judge meeeeeeeeeh…





“Dig that ahhhht”


I’ve been quiet on the old blog front for a while. Having had THREE cancellations since i came back from Japan, it really left a sour taste in my mouth, and i wasn’t feeling too positive about wrestling.

However, i dived right back in last Wednesday after being asked to take the House of Pain advanced class. I really needed that lift of positivity.  I even wrote a lesson plan out, which we got through. I seem to have a reputation of being a hard trainer, and people tend to shy away from my lesson, which is bizarre to me.  8 guys attended, and i wont fault a single one of them for effort and trying to do the tasks. There’s a couple of examples on my Instagram if you’re inclined to see what we got up to.

After that a weekend of wrestling. First up was a debut for Real Deal Wrestling in Nottingham, and a first time singles with ‘Textbook’ Dave Breaks. Oh, and adding to first times… First time in a six sided ring. Which was an experience.

Alas, i really enjoyed wrestling Breaks. On the come back trail from a couple of years away from wrestling, this was our second encounter since he came back. He took the win here through devious means, despite the crowd seeing his bum, and a wedgie.

Later on in the evening, there was a rumble match for the RDW championship. Of course having lost earlier on, i had to enter at number one. No pressure there. 19 other entrants, including the mighty ‘Poo Man’… Eventually i was in the last two standing , ironically against Breaks. Eventually i eliminated him from the match to claim the title.

This was very unexpected if im honest, but I’ll be doing my utmost to represent the company as best i can whilst i hold the championship.

The following day saw a return to Calverton, and House of Pain. The venue was absolutely rammed, probably HOPs best draw here, which was great to see. I was in the opening match, tagging with Haydn Tyler against HOP tag champs The Alpha Brothers in a non-title match. Which we, and the audience got them to put the championships on the line. A few wedgies (again), forearms and a suplex later, the sneaky gits used an exposed buckle to steal a victory over Tyler. This was a fun match regardless, and the audience certainly helped push the tempo a bit in this.

So yeah, that was my weekend. Wasn’t too bad. But this weekend, well, ill not be wrestling. Meh!

I’ll be back next week though. I cant get into the habit of not writing. Until then..!


Japan Tour 3… (Part 3)


The last part of this blog trilogy, and I thought I’d talk about a few things that weren’t necessarily wrestling related.

One of the biggest things I take away from these trips is the friendships and acquaintances made. Some people I may never see again, and a few, I will always make time for, no matter where either of us are.

I want firstly talk about a few people who made this trip easier in times where I found things tough.

First up, the chap I mentioned in the first 2 blogs, Greg. Greg had come over from Singapore, purely to train. First of all, I really admired that about him. 3 month (I think) trip, uprooted everything to go and learn.I met Greg within the first few days of my trip, and at times, I probably would’ve gone batshit mental had he not been there. I don’t mind admitting at times I found a few things really irritating, and in my head they were bigger issues than they were in reality. Things like taking putting my shoes on, to walk 4 metres to them take them off. The pleasantries of leaving and entering a room. I got over those fairly quickly once I’d Sussed that I was being a massive dick, but fair pay to Greg, he listened to me moan and let me get it out of my system. At times it was great to have a native English speaker around so I could actually relax without having an ordeal to explain simple things, when the confidence in using Japanese became minimal. All in all, Greg is fucking great, and I’m glad he was around on this trip.

Emi Sakura, Sayaka Obihiro & Aasa. I should probably include all of the Gatoh Move girls, but these three were huge on this trip. Emi as always is the mother figure. Her wrestling skills and knowledge are second to none, especially when it comes to detail, and storytelling in matches. Despite being extremely busy, working until 5/6am in the morning, she would always greet you with a smile and not only ask, but ensure that you were ok.

Aasa was the new trainee to GTMV, having moved from Osaka to Tokyo to train specifically with Sakura-San. Again, I admired that, and she was again, always upbeat. When I arrived soaking wet on my first day she gave me a towel and made me a hot coffee, which helped haha. I ended up spending a fair bit of time around her, and tried to help put her at ease in the lead up to her debut match, which was at the Korakuen Hall show. She did great btw, and her hard work in and out of training really inspired me to want to sort myself out once I got home. I hope she continues with wrestling for a long time to come.

Finally, Obi.. Obi is bad ass. Shes pretty much Sakura-San’s second in command, and she works hard. Like really hard. I always look forward to seeing Obi, and the last few days I was there, it was cool to see her relax somewhat. Also, she makes THE best chanko going. No exceptions.

Mass Takanashi, man I love Masa. If there’s any dude I look forward to seeing when I go to Japan, it’s Masa. I had the pleasure of going to his home and meeting his family this time round, which I felt incredibly honoured about. Masa loves a good beer, and his food. Additionally, he’s one of the most well rounded pro wrestlers I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with, and I always feel like I level up when I wrestle him. I absolutely need to get him over to the UK so people can see what I mean.


Frankly I could go on for paragraph after paragraph about the people who made this trip better, but I don’t want to get self indulgent. I havent mentioned people like Pumi, P-Nutz & Golem, DJ Nira, Onizuka-San, many others. Including Baki, king of shopping

Rest assured I’m greatful to all who played a part in my trip. Cheers!


Back to normal with the blog next week! Yay, I hear you yell!