Japan Tour 3… (Part 2)

IMG_20160701_073937.jpgPicking up from where we left off before, having just got back from the Maebashi show, we had a couple of days of not much. A bit of training, but mostly we had to be out of the way whilst meetings etc were ongoing, so myself, Greg and the Thai contingent took to amusing ourselves. Eating. Hanging around Akihabara (I love Akihabara). Drinking any of the variety of beers, hi-balls and cocktails available in cans from the local store. I can recommend the following: Asahi, Sapporo, Green Label, Souyoubi No Neko, Chu-Hi and Strong Zero.

All the down time was in the lead up to the Korakuen Hall show. I was determined to start this day off right, so a chest,back and shoulder workout went down a treat here. Then it was off to Suidobashi for a lunchtime start. Ring job, set up, and all the other stuff that happens before shows. My opponent today was ‘Peruwan’. I’d only ever seen him perform once before, and that was on my first trip here in 2013. I think his gimmick is something like Dhalsim from the street fighter video games. His style was described as ‘yoga style’. By this point in the trip, my confidence in using Japanese was virtually zero, and Peruwan spoke next to no English, so putting this match together was an experience. We managed to stick something together thanks to one of the refs helping us by acting as an interpreter. The match itself was ok, although I haven’t yet been able to watch it back. Received feedback from a few of the guys on the event, good and bad, which was always useful. Advice is always good, and there were many experienced guys on the show, so this advice was super useful. I watched the remainder of the event from the side of the hall. Highlights included a fantastic match between Masa Takanashi and Madoka,  and an awesome tag match between Emi Sakura & Kotori vs Tsukasa Fujimoto &  Yuka. No ring pack down, straight back to Ichigaya, to settle down, and have another clutch of beers.

The next day was free so I hung around Shibuya for a few hours and checked out a Basara show in Shinjuku. This show was excellent, but was unfortunately the only show I got to watch during my stay.

The next day was a half off day as we had a group bbq (more on this in p3), after that it was back to get ready for a long trip to Osaka.

This trip to Osaka was much more fun than the last time I went. I hadn’t just got off a plane this time probably helped. Osaka was also the last stop of the tour for Thai team ‘Bad Company’ and Greg, as they would fly to Hong Kong for a show afterwards. Anyhow, my match was against Thai rookie ‘Paksa’. This was also my 15th defence of the Pro Wrestling4U G6 championship, so I wanted a good match. We did alright I think, but us being 2 New faces to the Osaka audience probably counted against us. Didn’t quite get the reactions I’d hoped for at points in the match. Still, a learning experience, even after getting a deadleg from the first kick of the match. Ha!

Bus ride back was smooth, felt like it went fast, probaly helped by a good few hours sleep. Also, Japanese service station food is fantastic. Like, really fantastic. Also, the service station coffee vending machines serve the best coffee, this side of a barista.



Next day was my last match, it was another ichigaya event. 6 person tag match. Myself teaming with Riho and Hikaru Shida vs Kotori, Masa Takanashi and EK Baki. This was great fun, I really enjoyed putting together a creative match between the various members of the match. Of note, I used to be a huge fan of Shida when I first started out, and managed to keep a decent relationship with her since I first met her in 2011, so it was pretty cool to have a good chat with her on a strictly professional level.

After the show we all had a bloody good piss up that went on to 6 the next morning, which was when 2 more Thai guys left us. Paksa, and Gatoh Move Thailand manager, pr, Booker, everything else – Pumi. Pumi is something of the unsung hero of Gatoh Move, and someone who has helped my career as much as people like Stixx, Emi Sakura and Masa Takanashi. I don’t think people are greatful enough towards him at times. He opened up a lot of doors for me in my career so far, for which I’m very greatful .

Seems like a good point to finish up part 2 of the blog. The last part comes on Wednesday.



Japan Tour 3… (part 1)

13557817_1361457960535182_7388364599913818764_nSometimes, its really difficult to know where to start when I sit to write these things. Normally, I’ll do blogs that are pretty much ‘bite-sized’, but today I’ve given myself the task of attempting to capture a 16 day experience, that was full of memories, and life altering moments. Never one to do things by halves am I..?

Alas, we’ll go right back to the start. Previous visits to Japan, I’ve always gone into with great enthusiasm and almost a naive innocence, of sorts. With this being my third visit, I went over feeling as though I could look after myself a bit better than previous. I’d learnt a basic Japanese, I knew how to get around most areas of Tokyo and I was confident in how to at least make a good impression when it came to ‘conducting business’ in Japan. Of course, all of that went to shit as soon as I attempted to put it into practice.

Arriving later in the day to Haneda airport, I was pretty confident I could make my own way from there to my hotel in Jimbocho. Well, I did great, until I misread the train map, and could only get as close as Ochanomizu. The next station along. Jimbocho was on the subway. Eurgh. After asking directions in Japanese, well, of course, the station guard thought I was proficient, and gave me a good couple of minutes worth of directions. Not wanting to be impolite, I said thanks, and wandered out of the station thinking of how lost I was. A daft stroll around in frustration, I eventually headed back to the station, and jumped into a taxi. To Jimbocho station. You know, instead of asking to go to the hotel.Idiot. Anyway, I found a police box, and asked again, in Japanese for directions. Luckily, I think the policeman saw my frustration, and gave me perfect directions in English.  Needless to say, that cold Asahi beer and shower after check-in went down a treat.

The next day I headed to the dojo in Ichigaya in the pouring rain, to meet up with Emi Sakura, who was super busy with media stuff in the leadup to next weeks Korakuen show. A coffee made by Sakura-san’s new trainee ‘Aasa’ went down a treat here. I fumbled my way back to Jimbocho (on the subway!) to grab some lunch and a shower before heading back to Ichigaya for training.

This was pretty much my pattern for the first few days. Training, training, training. Man, I loved training in Japan. There was never any real time to get fed up, or feel like you’d already learned something, because more often than not, there was a twist, or a change, and there was always improvements to be made. This is the training I love, because as good as people being positive in training is, I feel it often creates complacency and people think they know everything. I always feel like I can, and should improve, and that is why I love training here.Also, this first week, the training group was small – myself, Aasa, another newer trainee and Jpop idol Maki Onizuka, and a chap called Greg (more about Greg in a bit). We’d occasionally have Riho or Sayaka Obihiro join in. The smaller group allowed us to get some real detailed feedback which is always useful.

The second week saw less training , as this was a busy show week, kicking off as the Thai group arrived, first show was in Ichigaya, and my first match was a triple threat match, involving Sakura-san, and Sawasdee Kamen. This was a fun little match, and afterwards, during the ‘shop’ time (where all the merch selling takes place), I got a lot of great feedback from the fans in attendance about my new look. Excellent. Time for a few beers before an early start the next day.
6am start. Yay! I woke up craving a McDonalds breakfast, more specifically, the coffee, only to discover it didn’t open til 7, when the bus was due to leave. Meh! Iced coffee and Monster instead.
13442385_1353162211364757_7393868923766925860_nSo this show was a 3 hour bus ride, to Maebashi, in Gunma prefecture. Hometown of Gatoh Move wrestler ‘Kotori’. Fun show again here, and the Sailor Moon costumes first outing, immediately gained some attention. The interval saw a number of kids come and speak to me over at the merch tables, which was pretty ace. The match on this show was a tag match, in which I teamed with Thai ‘Super rookie’ Paksa, against my Korakuen opponent last year Choun Shiryu and Kubo of the BASARA promotion. Shiryu is super smooth, I think last year I didn’t fully appreciate quite how good he is. Also, in the brief intereractions during the match, Kubo is an excellent wrestler who I’d quite like to lock up with again.
The crowd was fantastic here, 300 in, mostly whom hadn’t really seen live pro wrestling before, but they were there for everything. Responded exactly how you’d want a wrestling audience to, which was great to experience.
Notably, Kotori’s hometime reception was a fantastic thing to experience and be a part of. Wrestling can be very emotional at times here, and this show was definitely one of those moments. Wonderful stuff.
Couple of days off after this show, before we prepped for the Korakuen Hall show, 3 days later. I’ll cover that, and the proceeding events in the next blog. This one will end up being a novel otherwise! This will probably end up being a 3 part blog, as I’ll try to cover the main talking points of the wrestling etc, and then I want to cover the more personable aspects of the tour.
For now, cheers for reading, your support has been fantastic over the past few weeks especially, I’ve had some great feeback. Thanks!

Juken on the Web




Booking info: Jukenwrestling@gmail.com

Song of the Week

Its baaaack! I bought this cd last week in Japan, and well, its ace (except for one song), so yeah. LOVE IT!



A bitesized update, slightly delayed, as totally underestimated how much time I had to write this up at the airport. I ate a fair bit, in a bid to shift some of the coins hanging around in my wallet.


Anyway, pretty sure you don’t read this so that you can find out what I eat… a couple of last matches to recap quickly. I’m going to sit and write a sizeable blog covering the trip as a whole, over the next couple of days, so this will be more of a ‘skim’.

The 25th saw us all cram into that minibus again and take the overnight ride to Osaka. I actually managed to sleep on the bus -for 2 hours- so the thought of building a ring, doing a match, selling goods to fans after, and then the long ride back, wasn’t the most appealing on arrival.

Still, I’m paid to do a job, and I had a decent match with Thai rookie, Paksa, in what was also a 15th defence of the PW4U G6 championship. Paksa’s kicks were bloody hard, and I managed to limp through the match after getting a deadleg on the first contact of the match. Fun! Sold 1 t-shirt . Meh.

Bus ride back,  managed to sleep through 2 Joe Rogan podcasts , so at least 6 hours sleep. Bonus.

Next day, the last match. 6 person tag match which saw me team up with Riho and Hikaru Shida, taking on ‘Kotori’, Masa Takanashi and EK Bak, in Ichigaya. By the way, Ichigaya has no ring, so these shows are a ton of fun as you have to be creative and innovative here. I really enjoyed this match, and managed to cap off the tour just fine.

I’ll cover more of these matches in the full recap. For now, I’m going to jump on the train home!


FB_IMG_1466412760277The heat is beyond ridiculous. I mean even August didn’t feel this bad. I’m not complaining though, even if I do feel like I need a shower every half an hour.

About waist deep into this tour(originally thought there was a show today, but I misread the schedule). 2 down, 3 to go.

First up was a small show in Ichigaya. A draw of less than 50, but it was a fun how nonetheless. I was in a 3 way featuring Emi Sakura and Sawasdee Kamen. I’d wrestled both before, but I never been happy with the matches. Alas, this was a more enjoyable encounter, pretty much everything was as smooth as should be, considering the experience levels between all of us. Three ways aren’t usually fun, but this was. The audience seemed to take to the change in persona since my last visit. Think they especially enjoyed my reaction when I was told my team partners for my last match here on 26th – Riho and Hikaru Shida. I’ve been something of a fan of Shida-san for a very long time, and she knows it. This will be another box ticked as I’ve never been in a match involving either, and something I’ve always wanted to do. No pressure,lad…

Next up was a 2 1/2 hour trip to Maebashi in Gunma prefecture for something of a homecoming show for Gatoh Move wrestler ‘Kotori’. Definitely an emotional event, and most of the town had come to see her.  A draw just shy of 300, most of who had probably not seen live pro wrestling, and the rest were Gatoh Move hardcores who had made the trip from Tokyo.

I was in the opening match here , so a first impression was super important. Of course I almost fell off the rope on my entrance, saved only by a goofy landing on my feet, and a Tatanka walk…

I think my playful demeanour and Sailor Moon-style outfit helped here, as during the intermission I made a lot of friends mostly younger kids, and flogged a few t-shirts. Job done. The match itself was a tag match, with myself teaming with Thai rookie Paksa, vs my opponent last year ‘Choun Shiryu’ and Yusuke Kubo of the ‘Basara’ promotion. I really enjoyed this match. Whilst there are things if change, the language barrier sometimes makes creating matches a bit difficult. Whilst my Japanese is definitely better, it’s not good enough yet. Annoyingly.

Next stop is Korakuen Hall on Wednesday, and I aim to push my reputation up a few notches here because I have to kick down a few doors that my foot is currently wedged in to.

I’m taking this trip by the horns, and if I leave here feeling like I’ve half arsed it, I don’t deserve to come here again .


Song of the Week

It’s back after a break, and well. Well….


Deadlifts in Sailor Moon socks

FB_IMG_1466164072729Reading the title guess what I did this week… rhetorical, of course I bought some Sailor Moon socks!

Amongst other things, this week has been all over the place. Training everyday under either Emi Sakura or one of my friends from another company (apparently its not to be public knowledge), but its been eye opening already. Again. Ive already got a bunch of new training drills in my back pocket, a renewed work ethic, and a thirst for training again.

Of course being away from wrestling at home, it makes me consider where I am, and some of my frustrations, which I think is ok to think about and review. There’s a fair bit I’d like to change, but thats down to me, and if I want to properly progress.  I don’t want to think of what I ‘could have’ achieved once I hang up the boots.

Enough reflection, this week as I said has been mostly preparation for a busy run of shows here in Japan with Gatoh Move. Kicking off tomorrow in triple threat action on Ichigaya, Tokyo. I’ll take in Gunma on Sunday, where I’ve never been, so I’m looking forward to that one.

Then back to Ichigaya before heading to Korakuen Hall again next week. Ill probably blog the day before as I have a free day.

Until next Tuesday, at some Barmy hour!

“Ja mata!!”

I’m definitely 100% (unprepared)

received_1022007427890072.jpegI originally sat down to write this blog on Thursday, scrapped what id written, and promptly lost any enthusiasm to write.

So now I’m sat waiting to board a plane in Manchester Airport, which by the way, I already dislike immensely. My flights have been delayed, and I’ve been ill for most of the week, which is certainly adding to today’s misery.

Leta go back to last weekend, and pro Wrestling 4U, which saw myself and Danxig challenge for the pw4u tag team championships. Which we did win, in a match that id quite happily not see again. Tag wrestling is an area I could do with improving on, as I find it hard to get a good chemistry with anyone I’ve tried to team with before, and a 4 corner elimination match is probably not the best match to try and suss tag wrestling outin, but nevertheless, I became the first double champion in pw4u. I’d better get this tag thing sorted now huh..?

So yeah, as the Japan trip looms, this one feels somewhat final. I don’t know how many opportunities I might get again, so I really have to make this trip count. That being said, it is getting harder and harder to leave my family behind, so these trips really do have to count, because I can’t let the emotion i see from them when I leave, go to waste.

2 weeks away, and a very busy schedule will help keep my mind busy at least. First match is against Emi Sakura and Sawasdee Kamen in Ichigaya, and then all over the place. I’ll be even more tired than I am right now haha.

I’ve worked hard for this, and I’ll do everything I can to leave Japan knowing that ive given it everything I can. Certain other Brit guys have done a great job of making British wrestling at the forefront of Japanese audiences minds again. I can’t be the one to let the team down. No pressure.

Keep an eye on my Facebook page for some of those ‘facebook live’ videos. I’ll be doing them sporadically whilst there. Fun!

Juken Across The Web:


Instagram : juken_gtmv

Twitter – @jukenuk


Upcoming appearances:

18/06 – Gatoh Move, Ichigaya
Juken vs Emi Sakura vs Sawasdee Kamen
19/06 – Gatoh Move, Gunma
20/06 – Gatoh Move, Ichigaya
22/06 – Gatoh Move, Korakuen Hall
Pro Wrestling 4U G6 Division match
Juken (c) vs Peruwan
(tickets http://s.ameblo.jp/gtmvsakura/entry-12155965050.html)
23/06 – Gatoh Move, Ichigaya
25/06 – Gatoh Move, Osaka
26/06 – Gatoh Move, Ichigaya

A previously stated I have availability in Japan on 16&17 June. Interested parties can email: jukenprowrestler@gmail.com for enquiries.






IMG_20160529_145136055.jpgAnother weekend down, and just one more match before I bugger off back to japan again in just over a weeks time.

This past weekend saw me in action for House of Pain on 2 of their 3 shows. Eventful and frustrating in equal measure is probably best used to describe the weekend.

The first match of the weekend was against Paul Malen. Now, I’ve been looking forward to this for a while as I hadn’t worked Paul in almost 3 years, and I wanted to see how I stacked up in his estimation since then. We didn’t really get to do a great deal as we were the first on, and the audience seemed more up for a drop toe hold bump more than anything else, so we kept things somewhat simple. Job done, I’d like to work Malen again with a little more time and further up the card, as I believe we’ve potential to so some really good business together. We’ll see.

As an aside, the attendance to the event was surprisingly good, considering an attempt to have the show cancelled earlier in the week meant a last minute venue change to the other side of Nottingham. A credit to the guys getting word out to the HOP audience and to the HOP audience for following the show. Good stuff.

Onto Sunday, and tag action, again for HOP, this time in Calverton. I literally had no idea who my partner was until 45 minutes before doors opened, as original partner Lucas Archer couldn’t make the show. Nevertheless my partner for the afternoon was young HOP rookie ‘Davey Thompson’, and he did pretty well for his 8th match, especially considering the experience everyone else in the match had. Also of note, on the opposing team was a returning ‘Textbook’ Dave Breaks, teaming with ‘The Crown Prince of Professional Wrestling ‘ Brett Ryans. Breaks was just about to become House of Pain Champion when I began training some 6 years ago, and he was great back then, if a little outspoken at times. He disappeared for a while and made a brief return in 2013/14 before going on hiatus again until this weekend. I genuinely hope this return isnt a brief one, as id certainly enjoy the opportunity to work him in a singles contest, I think he’s someone I can learn one or two things from. As for Ryans, only our second interaction, but he’s a solid hand with a good mind for wrestling. I’d like to see people take more of a chance with him.

So, I’ve one match before heading off to Japan again, and I’m working my butt off behind the scenes to try and get every last ounce of preparation on that I can. O always get the feeling that this could be my last trip over there, which makes me strive to present myself as best I can, so that these opportunities don’t cease to arise. I’ll keep going until I get where I need to be, or an absolute ‘no chance, pal’ is given.

Upcoming Appearances:

03/06 – Pro Wrestling 4U ‘Sonic Boom’, Silverdale WMC,Silverdale ,Staffs

PW4U tag team championship – Filthy Rotten Scoundrels (c) vs The Sickness (Juken & Danxig) vs Barmy Army vs S.O.B

Song of the Week:


Like a Russian legsweep where the dude doin the move doesn’t hook the leg, SOTW returns! Yasssss! And it’s Soyoubi No Campanella again because they’ve a new album out in a couple of weeks, and they’re aweeeesome!





Back to Asia – twice!


It’s been quiet on my part for a while, I’ve had some empty weekends in my diary,  which is never ideal, but, never the worst thing sometimes.

Alas, I’m back in the ring this weekend with a steady schedule, and I’m raring to go.

I’ve not been sat idle whilst away from the ring, I’ve again changed up my gym routines, thanks hugely to Rob Sharpe for that, I definitely needed the kick up the butt he’s provided to push on, after feeling as though I’d plateaud somewhat. Hopefully the hard work will show in due course.

Now then, in the time I’ve not updated the blog, I’ve had some fantastic opportunities offered to me. I’ll share them here as one hasn’t been publicly revealed on my part.

First up, in September I’ll be heading back to Bangkok, Thailand to participate in Gatoh Move Thailand’s 4th Anniversary event. Thailand really opened up a lot of doors for me in Asia, as well as completely changing my outlook on pro wrestling, so I’m extremely honoured to be invited to be a part of this huge event. I’ve seen some of the wrestlers to be announced for that show, and I’m excited to see them myself!

And now, the unannounced news, along similar lines, and probably a really poorly kept ‘secret’ – I’ll be heading back to Japan in just under 3 weeks to join the Japanese branch of Gatoh Move for 2 weeks. In that time I’ll be wrestling in Ichigaya, Gunma, Osaka and Korakuen Hall again. Matches haven’t yet been announced, but I’ll share once they’re public. And of course the blog will be updated in a bi-weekly basis whilst I’m there, because I’ll be doing plenty, and there’s a fair bit of travel involved. I’ll need to pass my time somehow haha. Hopefully I can add a couple of extra dates into my schedule whilst there, but we’ll see!

Upcoming Appearances :

27/05 – House of Pain, St Ann’s – Juken vs Paul Malen

28/05 – All-Star, Skegness

29/05 – House of Pain, Calverton -Juken & Lucas Archer vs ‘Textbook’ Dave Breaks & Brett Ryan

Song of The Week

The feature that refuses to go away, but you secretly love it. Anyhow, this week’s is something of a change of pace. It’s by one of my favourite metal bands, with a record that isn’t metal whatsoever! A bonus track from their latest album.

Firsts and forearms

Yeah, I know, I’m super behind on this here blog,  but as a bonus,  here’s a bumper edition. Again.


So first, we go back to mid April.22nd to be precise. A weekend at House Of Pain kicked off in Beeston, and a first time meeting here between myself and Robert Sharpe. We opened up the weekend with the opening contest in front of a once again sold out audience.

A Lil bit of back story here, not to the match, but to Rob and myself. Rob and I used to train together an awful lot back when he was starting out, and something I always admired about him was that he’d always work his backside off with whatever I laid out for him. Rob was a chubby shit when he started, I’m sure he’ll agree, and there was a lot that he couldn’t do. To see him progress from that, to the confident…orange…performer that he is today is something that I’m pretty proud of him for.  That’s not to say he doesn’t have his faults, but I tell him enough haha.

Onto the match, I knew he’d put a lot of pressure on himself to perform, and I wanted him to be at ease. Additionally,  he was looking to start moving away from the flamboyant,  camp type wrestle that he is known for, so he didn’t need the pressure of a difficult and taxing match, especially where we were on the match card.  So we had a pretty simple match, but filled it with action, and reasons for the audience to get into the points we wanted them to, emotionally.  I enjoyed the match for the most part,  save for a couple of blips in the match, but I see a decent foundation for myself and rob to build on.

A day off, and then back to HOP action this time in Calverton. Multi man tag, and then a rumble. Now I’ll freely admit that tag wrestling isn’t my forte, and is an area I really want to improve on, but as the most experienced person in the match I had to stick this together.This wasnt my favourite match, but there you go.  Onto the rumble, and I almost won until a cream filled stunner led to my demise…

Moving on a week and Derby with HOPE wrestling. Pleased to be back in HOPE on a somewhat more regular basis, and matches like the one I had here was much fun. My opponent for the evening was CJ Banks, in a baby face on baby face match. Now I went out first, and a small mishap with my old music being played meant I got booed here.  Great start.  Managed to sway them by the end with a good fun wrestling match in a ring that wasn’t pleasant. I really enjoyed this, and I noticed Ligero and Paul Malen watching from the side, so after I’d got back,  I made sure to ask them both for advice, critique etc. I always do so if I can. Guys like this are invaluable, and everyone should be picking their brain.

Moving onto the next day, and on to Sutton in Ashfield, a few minutes up the road from HOPE’s regular venue in Mansfield. LJ Heron tonight, someone who I very much enjoy wrestling now, especially with him in the villain role. He looks and moves with much more purpose and enthusiasm than he did when he was only playing baby face a couple of years ago. We were main eventing a mammoth 9 (!!) match card.  No pressure lads.  I kept a careful eye on what was being done throughout the show, because pretty much everything had been done by the time we got to flick the curtain open. Except a wrestling match. Again. So we went out with that, and a finish. We worked around for a good 10-12minutes and got a decent reaction from a tired audience.

No wrestling this weekend, I’m out of action for a couple of weekends, but back in ring last weekend in may, and then straight through Jun. Buckling up for a fun summer!


Don’t forget, you can grab one of my “Had-Juken” tees from Parts Unknown! I’ll have a new limited edition tee up soon, so keep your eyes peeled for it!

Social media links:


Twitter (English)

Twitter (JP)


Song of the Week


I’m allowed repeat artists, right? Suiyoubi No Campanella…

Pic used courtesy Y2Grae Photography

A mild redemption

It’s been a steady couple of weeks, but as such there wasn’t a great deal I could talk about last week. I had a few ideas for stand alone ‘articles’ to fill the void somewhat, but I thought better of it for now. Another time perhaps…


So, what have I been up to since I last blogged? Well as always I’m busy behind the scenes, as they say. As mentioned in previous blogs, I’m working hard in the gym on my physique, and have started adding a few more ‘fun’ workouts. My idea of fun may differ from others, however I was definitely ready to step up my game, as I’d begun to grow bored and plateau in certain areas.

Alongside that, the study of learning to improve my speaking, and learn to read and write Japanese. It’s starting to become rewarding now, as I was able to stumble my way through a Japanese wrestling magazine article. It’s progress, and I feel as though it’s paying off now I can see that progress. Obviously there’s many reasons as to why I’m learning to expand my Japanese language,  and obviously that’s for when I go back over there later in the year. I make no none about where I want to be in regards to Japan,  and I feel as though time is beginning to slip away, so now is the time to capitalise on the fortunate opportunities I’m given.

Now we’re somewhat up to speed, let’s cover this past weekend.

Pro wrestling 4U…

Long time readers may remember the horror story I had at the last PW4U show, so there was a huge determination to erase that match. Not only that, but I was booked in my first ever streetfight. No pressure. Now then, we were massively helped by the show being a Sunday afternoon one. Myself and my opponent ‘Pyro’ blew off our feud in a fun street fight,  in which we went out of the ring once, and that was only when I went to collect the toys…

When I say toys, I mean chairs, baking trays, a mop, a keyboard, a garden trellis and a random bag of lego.  The part of the match were I ended up landing are first onto a pile of the stuff. Fun. The lego brick shaped bruise on my arse, and boot shaped bruise on my forehead were rather sore when I woke up on Monday morning. If that’s the worst that came out of the weekend though, I’ll take that. 11 PW4U G6 Division Championship defences in the bag.

Upcoming Appearances:

22 April – House of Pain, Beeston, Nottingham -vs Robert Sharpe

24 April – House of Pain, Calverton, Nottingham – vs tba


Song of the week
